What about learning math, science, history, etc? Kaiba scammed these poor kids from a proper education

What about learning math, science, history, etc? Kaiba scammed these poor kids from a proper education

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I can teach her multipy

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Playing children's card game is a sport. So technically, Duel Academia is a sport school.

They have those,but for duels.

But learning a sport builds up your physical strength. Being strong is useful in many jobs.

But if all these kids learned was how to play a card game, what the fuck kind of job prospects do they even have after graduating?

Well crowler got a phd in dueling and is a proffesor in dueling, so they can do that after graduation.

>save the planet from a god level threat
Sounds like you're just a idiot, user.

Haven't seen this show in forever.
Kid me had the hots for the chick in white.
What happened in the end? Seems like it just randomly stopped.

GX S4 was too dark for 4kids.

Jaden hook up with his spirit monster gf.

Theres general education courses too. They're seen in PE in a few episodes. Theres also classes for game design as well, and the fat kid got a job for Pegasus through recomendation through the school.

Honestly, getting a job at one of the biggest companies in the world is a pretty big justification for an absurd school like this.

Jaden impregnates Alexis later on, the note in the confirms it. He has support from Atticus as well

>fat kid got a job for Pegasus
i don't trust pegasus being alone with young boys...

Pegasus is 100% straight

Sorry bt they like in a utopia world where people go to school for their passions, not to wage slave in the cagie.

Pegasus is the straightest character in the original. His entire motivation is to reunite with the woman he loves

He's teaching them how to get good at a reality warping card game. The card game became so important that Manjoume's brothers wanted their own card game god to form a power trio of Politics, Economy and Card Games.

it was a comfy show but they didn't believe so much in its concept enough hence why the need to insert not!Egyptian Gods and not!Sennen Items

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Kaiba literally had alchemy in the school curriculum and it was manditory

>lol i watch littlekuriboh parody xDD!
if you watched the original episodes or read the manga you would know pegasus is not a fag nor a pedophile

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yugioh has a great plot but i just it boring that they have to "duel" for every situation. i cant hate on GX. jaden was a much better MC than wimpy yugi moto but yusi is the chad yugioh protagonist and he has a hot girlfriend akiza.

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Yuya is the straightest mc

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What note?

The notes from his friends at the season finale

I unironically like how much the art direction for Arc-V reminds me of this chick's art in a way.

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Brianne Drouhard

They can add, subtract, divide and multiply. All that's needed for Duel Monsters and real life.

>has 3 other guys inside him at all times

he fucks 4 girls at the same time

Are you one of those people who think characters don't go to the bathroom because you never see it?