is there some kind of implicit rule on Yas Forums that says that it's only allowed to talk about bad anime?
Is there some kind of implicit rule on Yas Forums that says that it's only allowed to talk about bad anime?
Everybody hates what everyone else likes, so how about you continue the circlejerk and make a thread of what you think is "good anime" instead of asking a retarded ass question.
All anime is bad anime. I wish we could get a manga board already.
Wish there was a way to ban people who post on Yas Forums and /lit/ from here.
The better the anime less you have to talk about it, is not that people don't talk about anime is just that there's nothing to talk about it, the best shows will have smaller threads.
>the best shows will have smaller threads.
Maybe. Some really entertaining shows catch peoples hearts and minds, so they get lots of threads.
Don't forget Yas Forums.
Weebs are not that "sociable" like kpoop stans so there isnt a super duper trend that user. You will see all kinds of anime/manga here, and thats better than seeing the same shit every fucking time
What the hell is a stan?
Yeah,that's why there are so many DBS threads.
>only allowed to talk about bad anime?
"Good anime" doesn't exist. Try making a thread saying that "[insert anime here] is great". Contrarians will come outta nowhere to trash it as a bad anime
only shows that "catch peoples hearts and minds" are lower common denominator bullshit
>hey have an argument
Sure buddy.
Anime exists to entertain. The ones that do it best are the best.
He was referring to you clearly lulz
I think he had a stroke.
Don't forget Yas Forums
Yes. don't like it, go somewhere else. I recommend MAL.
Them too.
I think it's a country in Asia
I see, tell me more about this mythical realm of kpopstan
>contrarian says your favorite anime is shit
>contrarian then runs away after being confronted
I hear they eat dogs there.
nice trips you got there, also based
>this is why your anime is shit
>fuck off
>omg you really have no argument
Sure buddy,
Look, OP, most anime is crap. Most of it gets fans. Of course most threads are discussion crappy anime.
No, it's just that Yas Forums mostly has bad taste because they've burned out their receptors by forcing themselves to watch as many seasonals as possible for many yesrs.
Don't dedicate yourself to seasonals, user. Only watch something that piques your interest.
Yas Forums is Yas Forums and there's nothing you can do about it
A stan is a dedicated fan or supporter.
>this is why your anime is shit: "i didn't like it"
>doesn't explain why
>never responds to the (you)s he gets
This happens daily. Don't pretend it doesn't
>facebook image