ITT characters that only people with high IQ likes

ITT characters that only people with high IQ likes

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Attached: 1581107741681.jpg (465x465, 184.45K)

>Characters that only people who think they have high IQ likes


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Okaa-san Online - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.00_[2019.08.24_17.33.28].jpg (1280x720, 104.47K)

Attached: 1585305279412.jpg (640x360, 29.94K)

Dr. Nino

Best boy filtering all the plebs

Attached: 1564268385269.webm (1600x900, 2.98M)

A Smart person does not fall in love with a girl who hides drugs and despises your handwork.

Unrelated image.

>ITT: shit characters that only people who think they have high IQ like

4fags detected

Take your meds Dr. Nino.

what would 4fags have against nino


Does Nagi/Fumino/Dr. Nino have worst taste in quints out of all tripfags?

>high IQ to like characters who embarrass themselves and can't move on in 5 years
>OP is a ban evading triptranny
Were the journalists right about the most intellectual fetish?

Nagi has the best taste wtf

mineta is the true midwit filter

Attached: truestory2.jpg (680x360, 53.14K)

He's a ban evader?

Attached: 1488218684509.jpg (1920x2638, 1.46M)

okay I guess OP has an IQ under 70

Would nino be a good mother to our children?

>high IQ

You start.

Why is Nino always associated with Jamal and BBC?

probably, but she'd be a bitch to anyone else (including you)

Wrost girl only deserves the bbc, user

Attached: BBC.jpg (284x177, 11.81K)

But Jamal likes thicc as fuck, thus a high IQ man!

dark skin is associated with inhumanity implicating a woman in a relationship with a darkskin is basically the same as letting her fuck animals

Its just some yotsubafags fetish. They like watching black guys fuck white girls just like yotsuba like watching her sisters
take turn fucking her husband.

Because she is a party girl who likes bad boys


Attached: yotsu.png (622x525, 22.44K)

People that dislike nino can only think about black guys.