Made for Asian cock

Made for Asian cock

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>mfw I always wondered why Asuka was so much paler than the other characters
>turns out she was half-white this whole time

I can only count a handful of times where they actually dared to create a biracial character, is there a stigma in Japan against half-Japanese people?

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Now this is beautiful.

This makes sense. Just think about it.
Half german.

She would want small peepee

i don't think so

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Yeah, Japan hates dirty gaijins mixing with the pure Nippon master race

I knew Nips had good tastes

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I mean, yeah, if you mean a bunch of onions boi herbivores that need to latch onto someone more passive and dull than they are.

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She's not really paler than the other characters, Rei is paler and she's fully Asian. Its just that Japan usually makes female characters lighter than male ones, so Asuka is a bit lighter than Shinji.

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Are you actually retarded? Its stated explicitly a lot in the show that she's german. How did it take you that long to catch on

Lots of 'fans' don't even watch the show, they just jump on the waifu bandwagon

why is her left boob so low on the ribcage compared to the right boob

Made for teenage cock

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>member since my birthday
>no foot stuff

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do americans really...?

>I can only count a handful of times where they actually dared to create a biracial character, is there a stigma in Japan against half-Japanese people?
Pretty sure the "half Japanese girl" isn't exactly an uncommon trope. That makes her foreign, but not "too" foreign. And regarding the anti-halfu sentiment, well anime has always been degenerate compared to mainstream society. Anime was positively portraying homosexuals like 2 decades before it became socially acceptable, for instance.

mutts law

What's ATM and DP?

Reifags always have to turn a canon statement into some blacked bullshit. Comers for sure

Seethe more

Whatever loser reifag

ass to mouth and double penetration

Why are you like this?

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Yes they used to have eugenic laws to raise the birth rates and preserve the japanese (chink?) race, just very recently interracial marriage came to Japan.

>female characters lighter than male ones

Imagine writing this over a gook fictional character. Lmao

Anyone who gives a damn about Asuka would never want to ship her with Shinji anyways.
I'd say the same about Rei too, to be honest.

Asuka liked shinji and would be insufferable in any relationship unless she changes. She already went through shit with shinji so why not?