Am i kawaii ugyu

Am i kawaii ugyu

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The best part is that I don't even know what anime this is from

The only show from kyoani worth watching

How about now?

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you tard
it's kamichama karin


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The sad part is, their anatomy is really like that. There's a reason it's a meme. It's some body horror shit.

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Kanon is shit

That is horrifying

This hurts my brain. I'm trying to see it how I think the author wants me to see it but I keep failing every time I even come close. It's like some sort of reverse Rubin's Vase.

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looks like a goldfish

it looks even worse than code geass

I'm scared.

It's the style you fags.

This unironivally haunts me sometimes

>Worth watching
Key shit is never worth watching.

and it's awful and shouldn't exist

it's funny to laugh at ping pong for looking weird, but you cross the line if you insult moeshit.


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It's basically a prototype of Clannad

Karin is so kawaii desu ne

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Best girl from Kanon. She's so beautiful.

t.seething moeshitter

Sad that she only was like that for one episode. After reading the synopsis I thought it would be some recurring thing.

>muh muh muh style
nice cope, go and study vilppu fag

You shut your whore mouth about code geass

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kawaii uchuujin

personally i prefer a modern take on cuteness

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