Nina Fortner

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Aside from Monster, what show improves the most if the protagonist was a cute girl?


I love her to death.

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Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, Bee train can't make anything except Girls with Guns shows

Nice face.

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Gundam Seed: Destiny


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Phantom was way better than any of the girls with guns trilogy, though.

Shit taste faggot

so cute

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I'm always amazed by the lack of doujin or even sexy art about her. Nina is a hottie.

IT´s weird how i dont rememver anything about MOnster.

such a bad paced snorefest

fucking hot

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Yeah, exactly.

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Yeah, Nina is pretty great!

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I'm sexually aroused by the sight of Nina.
I especially love her in vol.4.

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I wanna smack.

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i actually just finished the episodes with eva and her body guard martin. is it just me or is eva the real star of the show? i cried like a bitch at the end

>his favorite characters aren't grimmer and inspector lung

Correct and excellent taste.
Objectively wrong.

Nina was probably the best female Urasawa character since she was sympathetic and kept trying to do stuff but ended up in way over her head, unlike other characters he does who are ten times as insufferable but fucking useless.
I still seethe uncontrollably at how awful Kanna was in 20th Century Boys.

Nina is my favorite jerk off material.

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Why didn't "The baby" lust for Nina?

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This clothes is the best.

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Nina is fappable.


Kanna was a cute tomboy

I want to give her a dog in a bathtub.

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>That episode where Tenma and Dieter hang out with that old couple who knows he is a criminal on the run
Max comfy
Also Nina is prime waifu material