Predictions thread if you're up for it.
What I wanted:
>Karl Pilkington as Saitama
>Genos is Leonardo Dicaprio or some equally pretentious Hollywood elite who thinks he's the shit and gets shot down a few pegs by Saitama in the film
>Actually clever and funny humor like the source material
What I'm probably gonna end up with:
>The Rock plays Saitama
>Seth McFarlane plays Genos and he turns into a wacky comedic releif character
>There's a horribly cringeworthy joke at the end when he fights Boros about real estate
>They make Puri Puri a tranny for no rean because "muh feels"
>2020 feminist humor and shitty meme refrences
Fuck Hollywood. I want this to be good, but I can't trust the venom writters to make something actually worth my money.
One Punch Man live action film preditcions thread
My prediction is you'll watch it anyway.
>I want this to be good
It will not be good.
it will be bad
it will be S2-tier
Why are executives always out of touch? Can anyone here name one (1) executive decision that has benefited a movie?
>shitty meme refrences
pulls up to the last fight with boros. "are you the man behind this slaughter?". normies think it's hillarious.
>>Karl Pilkington as Saitama
I'm not sure why but the idea of this is absolutely hilarious to me
It will be DragonBall evo tier
Dwayne "The Rock" Jon's son as Saitama
"You're a fast one... who are you?"
"Bein' honest with ya... Just 'ere for fun, right?..."
He's the perfect actor to cast as Saitama, which makes it a shame why it won't happen.
>Both are jaded, bald morons
>The comedy style would probably mesh fairly well
>Both barely give a shit, and KP's poor acting could easily be excused because the character of Saitama perpetually fails to both give a shit and to emote
>So I was at the house of evolution, right? And there's this lil monkey fella
>karl pilikington as saitama
I think it could be a brilliant commentary on how formulaic and boring superhero films are becoming, but to make it good, I think they'll have to do this much:
>Cast most of the monsters as big Marvel and DC film stars
>Cast Saitama as a joke actor, someone like Karl Pilkington like OP suggested is perfect IMO, but Ryan Reynolds, as much of a joke that would be, I think would fit fine
>Have a few monologue sequences where Saitama reflects on how boring superheroes are, maybe like when he tries out for the hero association there's an internal monologue that's like "these guys all look the same, just piled up one after another... I can't even tell them apart honestly"
>Have an overarching theme about the formulaic nature of superheroes
nothing brilliant about it, that's skin deep parody/satire at best
like hancock
why are you even discussing something that will be in production hell for YEARS, same as Akira, SnK and others
IT WILL BE WORSE(which isn't even that bad) THAN S2
Americans should go back to doing what they do best: being overweight and eating hamburgers.
my prediction
some producer had a script they want to produce but couldn't find financing. They found a successful ip that has some similarity, so they swapped some names in their script to use the popular ip to push their own OC.
Some studio big wig will read a series of bullet point made by an intern based on an abridged version made by some other intern, he'll add his own input based on his ideas of what sells.
Then they'll give the bullet points to a writer to make a script based on that, then back to the producer, for a couple of cicles, then it reaches a director who rewrites the script to make it fit his vision.
saitama is in his twenties and has an athletic body.
So which will be the token "still played by an Asian-looking actor" character?
Prevent other companies from making a successful movie and profiting from it.
That is an actual thing. Studios will buy properties that they think could be successful even if they have no intention of actually maing a movie just to prevent other studios from making one.
So wait, will this be made by Hollywood? If it will be made by Hollywood then we can expect good quality but everything else besides the qualitywill be 120% confirmed shit, by the main reason that this will just be treated as another Marvel movie, the 90% of reasons people like OPM are not related to the capeshit aspect of it and this movie will be 100% capeshit so, well, like I said, my only expectations are really good visuals, my only hopes? That at least they decide to go for a rock soundtrack but I have the feeling everything will be shitty 2020s rap.
Tatsumaki/Terrible Tornado
By her original VA?
Expecting that is expecting this to appeal to non-normies, which won't happen.
It'll probably be that lass who played the horrid "rose" character in the new star wars
Black Tatsumaki
I mean, we all know at least one of the main character will get blacked, the ones with the bigger chances are Tatsumaki(and Fubuki by extension) or King, everyone else have the same exact chances of getting the change.