So I'm like a decade late to the party but
That was it...?
Did I really fall for the "most soul crushing show you'll ever watch" meme?
I felt like I enjoyed the first season more than I should have...only to go through 8 of the worst filler episodes I've seen, unremarkably obvious "twists", and having any tender moment botched by bad pacing and one dimensional characters.
Other urls found in this thread:
Like it was so unremarkable I'm starting to think the dumpster fire that was Your Lie is better for the sheer fact it was half the length of time I wasted.
But what were your expectations?
The stuff with his father and every time Akio was on screen was pure kino though
More nuance I suppose? Not just "family family family" over and over?
Not a "here's the BAD ending" and now "here's the GOOD" ending?
And yeah don't get me wrong, there were some really solid moments. But I feel like they're just repeated so often that they become stretched thin through the muck of everything else.
I cried uncontrollably at cat episode
I don't mind the thematic elements of family and the lens it puts it through, but it felt like it accomplished nothing with them if that makes sense.
I guess I'm thinking of something like 3-gatsu where characters go through significantly less traumatic situations and yet they came off immensely more compelling given the webs the characters are linked through
I watched the first 8 episodes on 1.5-2x speed I disliked them so much...
As my thoughts are catching up to me, I think it could be the fact of how relatively simplistic of a concept is just drawn out.
Like I enjoyed the Tomoyo OVA and I'm a heathen who enjoys Shinkai films. But I guess because it's short and sweet it's cool with me. But to make 48 odd episodes and having a hard time not feel like I just watched cryporn...I dunno
>Did I really fall for....
Yes. You and me both. But that's the joy of discovering new shows.
sounds like you just couldnt connect to the characters. So when anything happened you just didn't care
>I watched the first 8 episodes on 1.5-2x speed
I don't do this with anything. If you are already reaching this point, you might as well drop the show
Well, faggot, you're supposed to have seen it without knowing much about the story. "Obvious twist" my ass.
Have you considered watching things you're actually interested in?
If you have to watch at x2 speed, then that's kinda your brain's way of saying you should drop it.
"I didn't like it, let me go complain about it on Yas Forums". How about you go to reddit where they might give a shit.
True true. And it's not like I too much on my plate, so it's better that instead of wondering "maybe one day I'll watch it"
I might be coming off antagonistic but I did enjoy the first season. And I usually drop shows immediately after they nose dive.
But something about those episodes felt so...out of character? Like they were very obviously written by a different person.
So once I pieced together they were more or less "filler" - which is debatable I'm sure - I just kind of blew them off.
Uhh the most I was ever spoiled was "it's sad". What part wasn't obvious? I was honestly thinking the daughter was going to sacrifice herself to save her mother. Perhaps the dad going to jail. But it was pretty obvious something was going to happen eventually
No, i must comply with the community and have no independent taste of my own.
And I guess knowing it was a VN I know some routes are just plain shit sometimes so I figured I might as well blitz through one...and then there was another...and then there was another. And then it went right back to the original story
well your taste might be shit but at least its not total shit
When I watched it for the first time when I was in middleschool more than 10 years ago clannad crushed me, specially Nagisa's death, I cired for like 5 episodes while watching it. When I watched it again some years later I really liked the dinamic between Tomoya with Ushio and Tomoya with his father.
That's already a big spoiler depending on how new you are to watching anime. Whenever someone says the story of an anime I've not seen is "sad", and especially if it's highly rated, I know there's gonna be a death in it with lingering after-effects or a death of an important character. I've not even seen your Lie in April and I can guarantee that one of them is going to fucking die. Having said that I'm not going to go in and call out the death as "obvious". Granted that's my only real complaint about your post.
Part of that I'm still miffed on. Like to get married and decide to have a kid and then go 'nah I'm out' for FIVE years is just..hard to be redeemed from. And I think they kind of did. And then it's like jk let's kill her too. Jk that's too sad, now everything's fine and you're suddenly a great dad.
And yes I get the whole point of w/o Nagisa he's not complete/resorts back to his old ways, etc etc.
It just...feels unfulfilling?
I guess I rather had the rest of the season of him reaalllyy trying to redeem himself as a father. Like Akkio taking the piss out of him bc you know, again it was FIVE years to dump a baby on them.
Oh no, we're not complaining. Clannad is definitely in the category of shows where the shit that it tries ends up getting a pass because it gives you a happy end. The supernatural stuff was hamfisted as fuck.
What I liked about the dinamic between Tomoya and his father is that Tomoya did to Ushio what his father did to him, but even worse. So then he understood and forvage his father, and that helped him to forgive himself and accept his relationship with Nagisa.
The irony is I watched Your Lie as it aired and didn't read the threads, so I had no clue what to expect. And even then it was literally slapping you in the face with death flags nonstop to the point that I honestly thought they wouldn't die bc it was so obvious.
I agree to point though - shows with such a legacy do set up high expectations. And having characters get sick in like 3 episodes in is like HMMMmmmmm
But I dunno, I called the little girl in the other world was their daughter like by episode 9.
It's kind of hard not too when the theme is so literal that it's just asking yourself "how can you make something about families be sad" - Oh what if they try and fail.
>supernatural stuff was hamfisted as fuck.
I guess I gave it more of the benefit of the doubt because of the whole Hitomi arc
Yeah I did like the fact if they were going to do the tropey "like father like son" they made Tomoya 10x worse. It just resolved too conveniently for me.
If were comparing the two Id say dont even bother with Shigatsu since its like 1/2 of what Clannad is. All the same ingredients - love triangles, family issues, drama. But its nowhere as ambitious or as impactful, the "sad" factor not even being taken into consideration
>Did I really fall for the "most soul crushing show you'll ever watch" meme?
Nah, you fell for the "actually good VN adaptations" meme you fucking retard
successfully adapting a turd from one medium to another isnt something to celebrate user
no need to be so salty, animeonly faggot just download the VN and play it
you just said it was a good adaption, all the more reason to avoid it lol
>you just said it was a good adaption
>That utter lack of reading comprehension
Of course it's an ESL
Key's bullshit finally went too far in Clannad After Story, that magic reset shit was fucking outrageous. Easily the most overrated anime of all time and vastly inferior to Air and Kanon.
The salt Charlotte produced tickled my schadenfreude perfectly tho