ITT: Dogshit anime that you watched anyway and finished because the threads on Yas Forums as it was airing were just too much fun.
Pic related.
ITT: Dogshit anime that you watched anyway and finished because the threads on Yas Forums as it was airing were just too much fun.
Pic related.
pic unrelated
gc based
There's nothing that beat Valvrape.
Maybe endless 8.
I wish I watched this with Yas Forums.
still rocking with the juzo boys
Not anime but manga
This masterpiece.
This garbage, threads weren't even that good retrospectively
R.I.P. Space Moses.
This garbage show was so fun with Yas Forums
Though the shitposting died down during the last few episodes once the "mystery" got solved.
Mahou shoujo site. I picked it up as the show finished airing/on the final episode.
where is this from?
It is impossible to say the title without thinking it's in a Bostin accent
Valvrape had the best threads
I watched it back in 2012, before I even knew what Yas Forums was. I unironically enjoyed it the first time. Then I got into high school, matured a little, then realized the truth. I still love it for memes, though.
I hate to ask but source ?
Dragon Ball Super
Valvrave. Fun times for such a retarded anime.
>back in 2012, before I even knew what Yas Forums was
>Then I got into high school
fuck of zoomer
Ayase best girl
You kidding? The threads for episode 14 were absolute gold
Id:invaded and the tanteichads
Ousama Game
Last episode threads were amazing
>haha le funny seaonal threads
You realize you're no better than normalfags who exclusviely watch and like shit because of peer pressure and herd mentality, right? Literal capeshitter.
>stop having fun
>this shitty series was fun to talk about
>you fucking lemming, you exclusively watch and like stuff because of peer pressure