ITT: Dogshit anime that you watched anyway and finished because the threads on Yas Forums as it was airing were just...

ITT: Dogshit anime that you watched anyway and finished because the threads on Yas Forums as it was airing were just too much fun.

Pic related.

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pic unrelated

gc based

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There's nothing that beat Valvrape.
Maybe endless 8.

I wish I watched this with Yas Forums.

still rocking with the juzo boys

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Not anime but manga

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This masterpiece.

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This garbage, threads weren't even that good retrospectively

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R.I.P. Space Moses.

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This garbage show was so fun with Yas Forums
Though the shitposting died down during the last few episodes once the "mystery" got solved.

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Mahou shoujo site. I picked it up as the show finished airing/on the final episode.

where is this from?

It is impossible to say the title without thinking it's in a Bostin accent

Valvrape had the best threads


I watched it back in 2012, before I even knew what Yas Forums was. I unironically enjoyed it the first time. Then I got into high school, matured a little, then realized the truth. I still love it for memes, though.

I hate to ask but source ?

Dragon Ball Super

Valvrave. Fun times for such a retarded anime.

Attached: Valvrave.jpg (1278x4320, 966.86K)

>back in 2012, before I even knew what Yas Forums was
>Then I got into high school


fuck of zoomer

Ayase best girl

You kidding? The threads for episode 14 were absolute gold

Id:invaded and the tanteichads


Ousama Game

Last episode threads were amazing

>haha le funny seaonal threads
You realize you're no better than normalfags who exclusviely watch and like shit because of peer pressure and herd mentality, right? Literal capeshitter.

>stop having fun

>this shitty series was fun to talk about
>you fucking lemming, you exclusively watch and like stuff because of peer pressure