Ryuudai Ishizuka's manga series "Iwa Kakeru! Climbing Girls" will be receiving an anime adaptation


Has anyone read the manga of this? Any good?

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Yaaayyyy a rock climbing anime! Too bad it's not KnH

Looks nice.
I haven't read it yet.

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imagine the porn

is this the yuri one?

Damn I hoped Pocha Climb would be the one to get anime.

>climbing anime
I never realized how much I wanted this until now.

No, that's Pocha Climb.

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Tomboy gyaru.
That's something new.

Is it me or are abs becoming the new popular fanservice?

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I've got something for her to climb on

>twitter tranny anime news
and here i thought ann was bad

The abs also appeal to girls so it's ok.

girls who climb hard don't have huge boobs like that

>those shorts
You have my attention.

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Do you just assume everyone on Twitter is a tranny? I've never seen that account post any of that shit.

God, the girls look absolutely cute. This deserves an anime

>it's about gym climbing
>promo image is outdoor soloing

Yes, but male characters have abs.

>read 10 volumes of kouko no hito
>lots of death and depression

>Climbing girls

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If somebody told you they frequently browse Yas Forums, you’d probably have certain assumptions about them. Twatter is the same.

Yas Forums uses Twitter too

The 2 chapters available seemed pretty good. It already had a tryhard character but didn't seem to make it too bad drama wise. Also with the name you'd hope it stays all-girl.

Juat because real-life fit girls are usually ugly and/or flat-chested doesn’t mean that the same should apply to anime.

You realize lots of japs publish anime news on Twitter, right?
Like,I'm sure the nip sources that first post about shows being delayed are the official Twitter accounts
Not to mention all the nip fanartists who are in there

Japanese twitter is kinda different than American twitter, since a very broad demographic of Japs uses the site. American twitter is pretty much only used by a certain portion of the population.

She looks delicious, let's pray it doesn't turn like Tamayomi.

Abs are the best fanservice, and these are the good abs too. Not excessively muscular like the ones that Mikasa Ackerman has.

The QUALITY was only in the Funimation version. The original wasn’t nearly as bad.

Then stop bitching about CG studios doing CG and stop asking them to do 2D. Because Tamayomi is quite literally "CG studio tries to do 2D"

But will there be tengu?

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I don't bitch about 3D as long as it looks good, the thing is that it never looks good. If they can't make decent 3D/2D they should quit as an animation studio.

Looks promising.

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Of course. Of course. "I don't bitch about CG itself" "it's just all CG happens to conveniently be shit" cheap excuses

WTF? They adapted the wrong series.
This better have yuri in it.

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I'd climb those mountains if you know what I mean.