Character 3x3s

3x3s of your favorite characters

Attached: Character_Favorites.jpeg.png (564x578, 625.69K)

why do you even like love live. all characters from scip especially are like retarded puppets

clearly because they make his dick hard. did you even see the other 8?

Whos the girl from the bottom center

she's called shinji, from NGE

Attached: 3x3.png (1291x1153, 1.35M)

Trying too hard

Attached: 1584647392814.jpg (3264x3228, 1.99M)

Attached: 3x3.jpg (680x1057, 224.68K)

Masterful bait

Attached: charc3x3.jpg (2968x3000, 1.36M)

Based Ononoki poster

Attached: 3la3.jpg (1490x1490, 2.04M)

Interesting. I don't think we've ever had two of these back-to-back without a regular 3x3 thread inbetween.

Characters: 6/6
Anime: 4/6

Girls: 3/5
Anime: 2/5


Characters: 4/6
Anime: 2/4

Characters: 5/9
Anime: 5/9

Attached: absolutebestgirls3x3.png (999x999, 1.31M)

Attached: [CBM]_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_-_23_-_Tears_[720p]_[7B7BA511].mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2020.04.23_20.05.29].jpg (960x720, 327.75K)

Wow. A lot of these include Shinji

He is a very well written and believable character.

Attached: top9.png (187x630, 78.16K)

too lazy to make a 3x3

What does it feel like to be a massive faggot?

Oh, come on. At least download those pics in full resolution and paste them together. That can't be that hard, can it?

What are you butthurt about? Not everyone watches the same things you watch.

Keep em coming bros.

5/6 Good taste overall but Shinji wtf
5/5 Based snek

Attached: Anime3x3_girls.jpg (3264x3264, 2.5M)

Did female, and male separately.

Attached: 3x3favs.jpg (6528x3264, 3.36M)

Attached: 3x3boys.jpg (1280x1280, 220.02K)

based nagisa

who is the tobacco girl?

I'm not mad. I'm just calling it as I see it.

yui/renge/akashi are good

shit taste all around

hinata/sakura are good

remove haruhi and shinji

remove shinji. top-tier taste without him

you really like literal who's for some reason

yotsuba is always good. nice to see kanna get love

snake is shit

cheating but male list is pretty based. don't know some of the girls. emamon is always good though

medicine seller and killua are good. no comment on the others

Okay, user. Still, I don't get why you think everyone should have watched your particular selection of anime. I'm sure you haven't seen everything in here, have you?

>you really like literal who's for some reason
Over half of them are part of the main cast of their series, user.