Ghost in a Shell is free on youtube.
What in the hell did I just watch?
Ghost in a Shell is free on youtube
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it's overrated and thematically pretty bland but damn, the animation/art is kino
>What in the hell did I just watch?
Ghost in the Shell, I guess.
An advertisement for a manga series that you won't ever read
Really good movie and anime series the spider robots are redpilled
A movie so thematically shallow, people it for deep, but with great animation and music
Get filtered
The movie itself is pretty bland. It looks great and has some fine themes, but the story itself is so fucking dull.
>thematically shallow
>tons of sci-fi movies were inspired by it
sure thing
>but pretty animation
zoom zoom
it's a little over-rated since it got unusual popularity in the west when it first came out. but it's very good.
One of maybe 5 animes worth watching
Inspired by what, it's 1:1 interpretation of American cyberpunk novels? Get a grip
What are the other 4
Lucky Star
Stand alone complex first gig is way way wya better
What was that place? Like a flooded area of the city?
It was fucking awesome.
Wtf couldn't you easily make out where she stands and moves in the water, no matter if she's invisible or not?
Watch SAC, the film has nothing more than visuals going for it.
Coyboh bebop.
Code geass
Black lagoon
The first and third macros
Really miss this animation style, lads.
Hot. I coomed.
yikes, dude
The film is unironically too deep for you, you like SAC better because it has more action. Filtered.
>watch Akira
>think "wow this is what I've been fucking missing by ignoring anime?? that was incredible, I need more!!"
>look up best anime movies list
>watch ghost in a shell next
>it's so fucking garbage that it completely kills my desire for anime
Pic not related
Akira is pretty crap though lmao
No Patlabor, Ninja Scroll or Cyber City?
ffs, how many time does it have to be posted
Everyone who watches the movie is robbing himself of what makes GITS good
The only reason to watch the movie is to appreciate how much worse this story is without its characters, humour and world building
The SAC seasons don't have much action, and they're top-tier kino.
They're also the very last time Motoko and the animation still looked any good.
Why can't people just enjoy both? Why does it matter to you what media people consume?
watch steamboy dubbed
am i the only person who liked steamboy? i never see it brought up in Yas Forums anime threads. i only ever see people talking about how porco rosso is the best ghibli film, which is so obvious i dont see why it needs to be said so much
Because OP had a negative reaction to the movie and might conclude that GITS isn't worth his time when he might appreciate the superior version if he gave it a try
Link ? I can't find it on YouTube
Or Gundam, for that matter?
Except in terms of animation and music. Turns out -film- is also a visual and aural medium, write fag. Good job judging one aspect of a medium as the only aspect. Some people just don't wanna read.
Won't let me copy link on phone because age restriction.
Go to trending -> movies, free to watch. Scroll down for a bit past the Lindsay Lohan pregnant flick. It's somewhere there.
Might not be in your region. I'm in US.
I'm comparing what can be compared, manga is also a visual medium The art direction is superior in the manga, it's messy, dirty and elaborate, it gives a sense of places that exists and are lived in.
i can hear it
More films with cinematography as good as this?
The manga is visually better too
it's absolutely not messy, it's intricate
no, not Gundam, Gundam is overrated trash
actually there's dozen more, MALfag
I bet he thinks the bank shoot out is the only good part of heat.
I didn't mean messy in the execution sense but in the world it depicts, there are panels that look like a pandemonium because of the people who live there
it's rich with details in general yeah, even in the clean environments
Dominion Conflict is better tho
ghost in the shell? more like imagine the smell
Thanks for the rec, should I read all the mangas or only Conflict?
it's deep in the sense that it's got a second level of interpretation based on western mythology but it doesn't completely follow through with it
Is the tv show worth watching?
You should read everything he's done, except man-machine interface and the hentai stuff
what do you like about the film and what do you like about the manga?
I remember liking it.
I unfortunately bought and read man-machine interface, I'm still puzzled by its existence
and by "done" I mean written-and-drawn, not the stuff where he merely pitched ideas to another guy
good luck if you can get your hands on Gun Dancing though, I haven't.
shiny women and horse cocks
I'll probably read it online desu
>The manga is visually better too
Here's you're manga bro. Might as well write a fucking novel at this point and ditch the drawings altogether.
>dude machinese and humans are the same!!
yeah very deep
Let's talk about Gits Sac Ost
Did she take off part of her head or does the artist just suck?
I do love Shirow's style.
Kino. Though it's a bit of a shame that the film is primarily remembered for everything but what it's talking about.
Case in point, along with you OP. The film is not shy about what it is, in fact it states VERY clearly in the first minute what it's about with the on-screen text.
And THEN you get retards like this who don't care about the message of the film at all, focusing on everything around it.
no her hair is just brushed towards the front
and yet, everything that's drawn here is gorgeous
read Orion, it'll help you understand some of what happens in MMI I guess
and it's fun as fuck
Gun Dancing isn't available online by the way
sure thing
I'm not OP. I just like robots, cybogs, transhumanism and the like, and so by extension cyberpunk. I haven't watched more than 3 animes.
And THEN you get retards like this who don't even know the difference between
and conflate it all together, which makes them find depth where there's none, and miss it when it's there
what a movie is about, is its theme
what the opening text states, is the premise
what the movie tries to convince you of, is its message
so with that in mind, can you honestly tell us what the message is?
You're just cherry-picking, it's dialogue heavy in this scene because they're exchanging ideas at computer speed
See, this shit too. Fucking Shirow Masamune further distracting people from what his story is actually afuckingbout.
SAC is cool. Give it a whirl.
then GitS probably isn't the series for you cause it often shows why transhumanism is dangerous and stupid.
but this conversation is in the movie, just abridged.
Wrong, this scene serves as a demonstration of what can be achieved with cyberbrain communication, as foreshadowing for what Motoko will end up doing, as characterization for her outside of her job, and also includes a bunch of subtle worldbuilding about Megatech Prosthetics.
>can you honestly tell us what the message is?
Yeah, retard. It's in the on-screen text at the beginning of the film, which is expounded upon with the last words of 2501:
>We have been subordinate to our limitations until now. The time has come to cast aside these bonds.
Humanity is not using the internet/cyberspace at full capacity, to truly better themselves.
Serial Experiments Lain
Just realised they censured this in my copy
>characters, humour and world building
that's exactly the stuff I hate in anime. GITS is great.
But I just want to coom
How the fuck can you hate characters in a narrative medium?
looks like a storm drain canal
Reading manga is fuckin gay. Don’t even act like you’re better because you can’t afford data to watch the show.
Except she's not talking about the internet she's talking about God.
You'd know that if you had read the manga and if you had looked up the bible quotes she speaks through Motoko's mouth.
The Net isn't the internet it's the fucking spirit world.
Besides if that's the movie's point, it does a shit job of convincing you: Motoko doesn't make the choice of merging with the Puppetmaster, and we don't get to see what she can do with her new knowledge except quote the bible more accurately and be a midget.
So no, you can't tell us what the message is.
Legend of the Blue Wolves
Gundam Wing
>You'd know that if you had read the manga
Who's talking about the manga? We're talking about the film. The stuff about
>I spake as a child
is about becoming this new lifeform borne of the merging of she and 2501. Didn't even read the rest of your world to be desu kouhai. Gotta step up your analysis.
All anime is shit and garbage. Do you people forget where you are? Yas Forums
Take this discussion of absolutely disgusting jap cartoons to
you're a fool for taking him seriously, he fell into the same trap as every nerd who's watched it after 2002
Go ahead and prove me wrong. Unless you're somebody else who wants to talk about the manga for some reason.
The manga is shit. Also, most of the anime is shit. The aesthetics of the two movies is all the franchise really has going for it.
If he didn’t like watching a movie he sure as shit isn’t going to enjoy reading and flipping pages you poor fag. Have you even seen a movie? They have SOUNDS and all those pages and drawings are MASHED TOGETHER
We're talking about a film adaptation of a story where the main character happens to contact God.
and the movie focuses specifically on that, and adds a bunch of christian existentialism and western mystical symbols on top of that because the director is obsessed with catholicism.
A:10 V:10 thank you based youtube
>What in the hell did I just watch?
The movie was obtuse for OP, the manga doesn't feel the need to hide itself between a veneer of mystery. It might feel more accessible to him
>distracting people
>naked women
do you say that a novellator is distracting people? that a movie is only distracting people?
you're a retard, and a shame for this board.
>The Net isn't the internet it's the fucking spirit world.
That's fucking dumb
You cant see hand movements so all you'd see is general splashing as a professional killer cyborg came at you
And actually no, the full quote is about how knowledge of divine forces is useless if you aren't motivated by love.
Kek, I bet you do.
the manga is also more complex, precisely because it doesn't hide anything
enjoy while it last on the chan 4.
Death Note
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Naruto pre-shippuden without fillers
Angel's Egg
Oh boy film 101 must have thrown you for a loop huh? How’s trade school going since you dropped of college ahahahaha
Nigga you think the ghosts in the story are computer software?
No. The word "net" refers to a shitload of things, you've just been conditioned to think of it specifically as the internet due to millenial linguistics.
It's standard fare in 80s/90s japanese scifi to include mystical and fantastical stuff about psychic powers. Akira is all about that
>where the main character happens to contact God.
I'm not seein' it. Here's what I see:
>The advance of computerization, however, has not yet wiped out nations and ethnic groups.
>I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries
The four walls of our consciousness. 2501 doesn't have these limitations, evidenced by his own words. And then there's the
>We have been subordinate to our limitations until now. The time has come to cast aside these bonds.
That's what he said? Holy shit what a retard. Imagine watching a straightforward sci-fi film and then bringing up Heaven and spirits for some reason.
Animation kino with entry-level existential themes
Exactly it's about consciousness, not about the fucking internet, which barely even existed in the EARLY NINETIES
So is there a point where the manga gets good? Because I felt like I was reading a cheesy comic strip, that teeters between boobs and slapstick comedy.
Ergo Proxy
I honestly don't know what people see in Akira these days. It's a fucking mess of a movie and the story is barely coherent.
At its time of release, it was uttery mindblowing and most of it was because its contrast with western animation, but that shit doesn't turn heads anymore. There are better animes out there, but ever since that garbage 'moe' made its mark on the industry, it's never been the same. Also doesn't help that a couple of talented visionaries have either lost the plot, don't produce anymore, or just plain died.
For someone who's new to GitS I would definitely recommend starting out with the first movie, but not get disappointed with that and start watching SAC immediately after. I just loved those two seasons the best. Second movie is great too. Maybe then the mangas. Haven't really bothered myself with solid state society and Arise though. I might give solid state society a chance, but I don't like the animation style of Arise. I'd only watch it, if it has some interesting new ideas.
Limited consciousness, now no longer limited thanks to the advancements of computerization, i.e. cyberspace. The closest analogue to cyberspace that we have is the internet.
>which barely even existed in the EARLY NINETIES
Do you...not know when newgrounds was founded? When IRC was invented?
Where are your mental gymnastics coming from, man? Here's what's going on here
>GiTS is [plainly] about humanity coming to use cyberspace/the internet to reach the next step
>Aktschually Motoko came into contact with god and cyberspace is the spirit world
That second greentext? It does nothing for no one. It's the equivalent of every single "but character was dead and they imagined the whole story" theory.
Paranoia Agent
A bunch of Ghibli shit
Underrated. I've only seen one episode of Texhnolyze or however the fuck you spell it, and that one seemed worth watching.
>I honestly don't know what people see in Akira these days.
Sound and visuals.
I'm sorry but no, I started with the 1991 manga and it's both accessible and complete, everything I've seen after that has just been a disappointment
the 2nd best anime movie of all time
Yes, the very first page.
it's boobs, cheesy comic strips, slapstick comedy, techno thriller conspiracy, action, technical nerdy worldbuilding, political intrigue, supernatural mystery and character drama
they're that, but they're also psychic substances
the recent continuation of the manga based on Shirow's notes even has a necromancer in section 9. She summons the ghosts of dead people to get clues
Venus Wars is better than Akira
I don't understand what people don't get about Akira's story. Literally what is there not to understand.
>science man bad! AAAAA, WE PLAY GOD!
It's like the most basic sci-fi story type there is. It's just Frankenstein for the 80's.
he does, he tries, his arms and legs get grabbed and twisted to shit
You should definitely read the manga, you're missing out
That's because you hit the nail on the head. The film condensed everything worthy of analysis about the manga into 90 minutes.
I have read the manga at least four times, I have watched most of Mamoru Oshii's movies, I have watched GitS at least three times, I have read all of Shirow's available works, and also a bunch of similar mangas drawn around that time.
The computer stuff is just a means for the protagonist to reach literal enlightenment. It's the old shinto idea that anything can get a soul, even a computer program, and thus can help other people get in touch with the divine.
Terminator and Second Renaissance BTFO
That's a fucking lie but okay
>I have read the manga at least four times
Really don't give a shit about the manga. I'm not sure how much more plainly I can make this clear.
>The computer stuff is just a means for the protagonist to reach literal enlightenment
You speak as if that's not the stupidest shit, yet here you are gobbling it up and grandstanding on it.
>GiTS is [plainly] about humanity coming to use cyberspace/the internet to reach the next step
>Aktschually Motoko came into contact with god and cyberspace is the spirit world and it's a means for characters to reach enlightenment.
>You mean figuratively?
>No, literal enlightenment
>That's fucking stupid
Are you on the spectrum?
you faggots post like bots having an argument with each other.
Imagine being such an absolutely massive faggot that you turn this down
Left field of your momma's asshole.
I am a living, thinking entity that was created in the sea of information.
>Purple pubic hair
You should give a shit about the manga if you actually want to understand the movie.
>You speak as if that's not the stupidest shit, yet here you are gobbling it up and grandstanding on it.
I didn't come up with it. The author did, and Oshii translated it into movie form.
But becaus Oshii is a hack fraud who likes to make everything vague and spooky, he didn't present it as explicitly as in the source material, even if that's literally what the main character's arc revolves around. MAYBE all of it was just a VR trick to brainwash motoko but AS FAR AS SHE KNOWS, she went to the spirit world.
How the fuck is going into cyberpsace supposed to help her solve her existential crisis? It's not, she just wants confirmation that she actually has a soul by meeting a sentient computer that presumably is in touch with spirituality.
Akira and Ghost in the Shell are extremely overrated. I find myself disappointed every time I check out an anime that people recommend.
Run Rabbit Junk. Where are my android stripper assassins.
that's because you're getting recs from MALfags who think all anime is shit and were only fed whatever reaches mass consciousness
watch Cyber City Oedo 808
>What in the hell did I just watch?
>thematically pretty bland
what does this even mean
kill all film journalists. Hang them
basically this
The plot in the movie was a clusterfuck. But the Manga still holds up in my opinion. Far Better than the movie. But it's a vision of somebody who lived in the eighties of looking at the future, so if you can't relate to that, some of it might get lost. I still think it's amazingly fast paced, while being 2000 pages long. But I think it's a thing of the past. You are not going to ask someone born after 2010 to read a 2000 page manga from the eighties. That's going to become a very, very niche thing. For me, it's the one of the best things I've ever read, including books. But it's ultimately a document of its time and doesn't transcend those borders. It's a good thing that it's not too heavily depending on technology to further the story though, so maybe it might age better than I expect.
>You should give a shit about the manga if you actually want to understand the movie.
I understand it enough. You're the one talking about "literal enlightenment." Honestly cannot believe this is being brought up in relation to GiTS. We don't have "literal enlightenment" in the real world, you understand that, right? The closest thing we have is self-actualization through bettering our understanding of the world and the way we do things. Fucking hence,
>I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries
>We have been subordinate to our limitations until now. The time has come to cast aside these bonds.
>I didn't come up with it. The author did
I don't get that vibe from the film, and I haven't read the manga since 2008
>How the fuck is going into cyberpsace supposed to help her solve her existential crisis?
>How the fuck is going from the limitations of our own mind to the entire digital sea supposed to solve her existential crisis?
I wonder if she was just toying with him or if she would have gone through with shota.
Shit taste why don't you actually watch anime instead of pretending to know what's with watching and not
You're still going off the assumption that the movie is trying to teach you something about the real world.
that's why the premise sounds stupid to you. It's not stupid it's just fantasy. It doesn't take place in the real world it takes place in a fictional world where magic and ghosts are real.
You know like vampires and shit. The goal of Nosferatu isn't to convince you that Graf Orlok is real.
>I don't get that vibe from the film
Yes you did you cheeky bastard, every single scene is dripping in 80s goth imagery, every interior looks like a cathedral, there's a bunch of religious imagery all over the place and even the soundtrack participates in that, it uses every single fucking trick in the book to make you feel like you're watching a mystical journey.
Speaking of vampire films it draws a lot from Tony Scott's The Hunger
>How the fuck is going from the limitations of our own mind to the entire digital sea supposed to solve her existential crisis?
Exactly, it's not. Having access to a bunch of data isn't gonna solve anybody's self-doubts, what she wants is confirmation that she has a soul. She wants a mystical experience.
If you watched GitS on a YT player, you didn't watch GitS.
It's fucking insane to think that this was animated traditionally. The amount of detail in the backgrounds and stuff in Akira is crazy.
very true and that's why we get people in this very thread who don't catch on to the supernatural elements
The manga doesn't really focus on them because the author took it for granted that, as a reader of scifi in the 80s/90s, you were already used to having psychic powers and wizardry in your scifi.
So all of us stupid millenials and zoomers need to get attuned to that in order to avoid misinterpreting it
it's really astonishing, check out the dude painting a little dot in for each window
We're coming at this from two totally different epistemologies, so there's no sense in continuing the discussion.
>You're still going off the assumption that the movie is trying to teach you something about the real world.
This is what I mean. If you're reading a book, or a manga, or watching a feature, and you're not just looking to idly consume, you take from it and apply it to your reality. That's what I meant earlier by the closest analogue we have to cyberspace is the internet, and that's what I meant just then when I said we don't have "literal enlightenment" in the real world. That's why I can't accept that notion. It does nothing for nobody if Ghost in the Shell, the film not the bloody manga, is about someone, somewhere, having contact with god and spirit worlds and shit. You relegate it to genre fiction if you do this, and if I wanted genre fiction I'd go to that.
You're a cool dude otherwise since you obviously appreciate GiTS a great deal. I won't stop you from your interpretations.
Kinda funny that he looks like Edward James Olmos playing Gaff.
patlabor is shit
One cool thing about Akira is that a lot of the backgrounds are kind of dynamic and have little things going on like flags waving or pieces or trash drifting in the wind. It all looks so nice.
You're shit.
Reading the Manga while listening to the Mankind Divided soundtrack was good shit.
GitS is genre fiction.Your interpretation is based on faulty assumptions, don't go spreading it around.
If there is a message in GitS, it's the same as in all of Oshii's serious movies: people look for meaning in fiction, and it's risky. It's an idea that's very frequent in his works.
>That's why I can't accept that notion.
you're not supposed to accept it any more than you're supposed to accept vampires and werewolves. You're supposed to consume it as entertainment.
Listen to Dead Or Alive during the final chapter
I liked some of the philosophical discussion in the animated series. And how there wasn't a lot of exposition on how the technology in this world actually worked. For some stuff, you were just thrown into it and had to figure out on your own what was happening.
I always watched Gits for the technology advancements. I got a kick out of it. And how it influenced society and all that.
The psychological and philosophical aspect of it was always secondary to me, because it's basically about a story that's been written a million times already.
>Cyber sclerosis
>hierarchy and politics
I could enjoy it on a cop show level, but for me, it was mostly about technology and how it shaped every level of society. The SAC series get into a lot of that. Both on a small and large scale.
And it has action and a sexy Motoko. 20 years since I've seen this show and I still talk about it. The tech used then looked logical and realistic and it still doesn't look like a version of someone of the past trying to imagine a future. It still looks futuristic. And some of it has been proven to be quite prophetic.
You watched something that should be discussed on
>GitS is genre fiction
Should I have said trash instead? Because GitS is not typical gf, which was my point in that regard.
>Your interpretation is based on faulty assumptions, don't go spreading it around.
I was gonna let it go but you brought me right back:
>GiTS is [plainly] about humanity coming to use cyberspace/the internet to reach the next step
>Aktschually Motoko came into contact with god and cyberspace is the spirit world and it's a means for characters to reach enlightenment.
>You mean figuratively?
>No, literal enlightenment
>That's fucking stupid
>you're not supposed to accept it any more than you're supposed to accept vampires and werewolves. You're supposed to consume it as entertainment.
Two different epistemologies, as I said.
Is there a list of the free corona anime on YouTube right now? I know of this and the Rebuilds
Okay first off stop misusing the word "epistemology" it refers to the theoretical study of scientific disciplines and cognition. It doesn't mean "approach"
Secondly you sound like a weird alien who watches TV for the first time and is like "huh? Captain Kirk isn't real? You mean none of what I just watched is factual? Why would you come up with all those weird lies? You humans are dumb!"
And again, you can still get a message from GitS but it's not gonna be a clear-cut or literal one, it's gonna be something vague and ambivalent like "no matter how much we progress there'll always be a need for spirituality" or someshit
These threads are always very nice. Never too much insulting going on and there are people talking about it who are actually passionate and knowledgeable about the subject. I'd deepen my knowledge of it just to engage in nice discussion, but one always seems to lack time.
Why you gotta make me quote oxford you namby pamby fuck?
>the place of experience in generating knowledge, and the place of reason in doing so; the relationship between knowledge and certainty
I'll simplify it real nice "schools of thought."
>Secondly you sound like a weird alien who watches TV for the first time and is like "huh? Captain Kirk isn't real? You mean none of what I just watched is factual? Why would you come up with all those weird lies? You humans are dumb!"
That's what you think this is? It's incredulity at something as stupid as asserting the film of GitS is actually about spirits, god, and heaven.
>you can still get a message from GitS but it's not gonna be a clear-cut or literal one
It can be as clear cut or not as anyone wants because of death of the author you dummy, but I'm not invoking that here.
>it's gonna be something vague and ambivalent like "no matter how much we progress there'll always be a need for spirituality" or someshit
That is absolutely not in the film.
no those threads are always shit, there's systematically four or five contrarian trolls, there's always one or two halfwits who only understands a tiny bit of the material, and one or two who are actually knowledgeable but are so vindictive about it that they end up being hyperbolic.
The Laughing Man and Kuze were both based and redpilled.
Have a screenshot I took in 2007.
A good but not great film, Innocence is the true GOAT and all you SAC dicksuckers have to wake up to how mediocre that show is.
>Ghost in a Shell is free on youtube.
no it's not
This is absolutely in all of Oshii's serious films, there's systematically a bunch of either bible quotes or character in need of spiritual guidance. And this one is no exception
>It's incredulity at something as stupid as asserting the film of GitS is actually about spirits, god, and heaven.
Oh so it's refusal to admit that you missed out on a bunch of stuff. Man why the fuck would Oshii be using mystical imagery as a metaphor for the internet and not the other way around? He has a catholic education, he's distrustful of technology, his previous film was about a buddhist-catholic guy who uses manufactured evidence and hacking to provoke a civil war because the government and the military are overly reliant on technology and need to be awoken; Why the FUCK wouldn't he make GitS about god, heaven and spirits?
If anything it's surprising that he didn't go even more balls-deep into it, but he still went pretty fucking far.
You don't have a school of thought you're just regurgitating some shit you read on an anime review site, you aren't knowledgeable about the source material, you don't know the authors' other works, you aren't able to recognize the symbolism used, and you don't even know what epistemology means.
And about death of the author here's what it actually means:
when the author fucks up or doesn't actually know what he's trying to achieve, it's up to the reader to come up with something
there's probably room for that in GitS seeing how ambiguous some scenes are. But by that token, it means that whatever message Oshii was going for probably isn't a clear cut one
kek, I reckon I'm one of the two halfwits and your one of the contrarian trolls. It's all good though, I only participate in these threads maybe like once every 4 months or whenever I see them pop up. They're better than 98% of the shit floating around on Yas Forums
Patlabor 2 was better
Patlabor 2 and GiTS were written by Kazunori Ito.
but it's not what it was about, you absolute cretin.
It's about what defines a human / sentient being as a human / person (which are our memories), and whether or not (if anything at all) we worth a damn.
It's a defeatist requiem / memorial service to humankind's lost / died soul in a world, where a womb can be easily replaced with a spitting vase to perform the same function.
Watch the second one - it's like Matrix Reloaded. Completely panned by retard critics and brainlet fans of the series, but absolutely adored by thinkers.
how do you look for this? what channel is it uploaded to?
first manga, movie and SAC designs are pure kino
2nd manga, 2nd film and Arise designs are trash
You can imagine Kojima watching this and having a lot of ideas.
For me, it'll always be, 1 and 2.
Good sci fi. You might be confused.
He even got Batou's VA to play Snake.
An awesome series.
I love the fact that most of the act of that AI is about him trying to be a living being. I think he even wanted to be judged, actually.
Would give SAC a third place.
The original OVA had a much better opening
Patlabor 2 is a great movie
it's only about AI being sentient and difference between robots and humans and what deffinition of robot/human is. Nothing else. This is stated in almost every dialogue and exposition segment.
Not a journo btw.
she was standing still waiting for him to get close
Man, I had a redneck dad and when I put shit like link related on in my room, blasting through my speakers, I was so fucking embarassed when he came into my room:
No doubt he thought less of me for liking this kind of 'faggotry'. I'm a man now though, and I still like this kind of 'faggotry'.
I asked this last time we had a comfy gits thread, but forgot what you guys said cos I'm a retard, but what is the correct viewing order for patlabor? Movies, TV series, etc. Is it all worth watching or should I skip some of it?
Thanks frens
It doesn't really matter but there are two continuities.
Early Days OVA -> movie 1, 2, 3
TV Series -> New Files OVA
Only thing I'd consider skipping is the third movie.
I watched steamboy as a kid, I loved it very much
So the TV series/new files is a completely different story but in the same universe? Did the movies continuity start first? I think I'll start with that
They don't make them like they used to
What shitty board did you come from?
>So the TV series/new files is a completely different story but in the same universe?
Its the same cast of characters but is assumed to be in a different timeline because none of the events of the OVA or movies happened.
> Did the movies continuity start first?
Yes but the TV series started just a bit after the the 1st movie came out. It doesn't matter what you start with but I'd recommend the movie timeline first and if you really like the cast, then the tv series is perfect for you
Take this thread back Yas Forums, we don't want it.
Am I a pleb for liking Innocence more than GitS?
Yas Forumst
Imagine being this much of a faggot mod.
¿Isn't this porn?
Ghost is pseud shit
All 2011
Who cares about that hack.