
Kubo will make Ichiruki canon in the updated anime and I can't wait to laugh in all you orihimefags' faces

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Silly user. Ichihime was endgame all along

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I'm already laughing at you rukiafag

Kubo will make Grimmnel canon in the updated anime and I can't wait to smile in all you anons faces

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plebeian dummies ichigo will mary sasuke

Can´t care less for your sad shipping, I´m just hyping for best captain´s return.

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clearly the MVP

t.Orihimekek falseflag

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Trips confirm. I don't get this ship but I like it

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>Ichiruki-fags STILL coping

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The anime sequel will have Grimmjow as the protag with the Arrancar girls as his harem

Hoping some of those long dead Ichiruki artists from the early days of bleach return, though I highly doubt it.

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Litterally every pairing in bleach is a crack pairing.
There's not even a slight hint of romance in the entire series.
Besides, if you're going to go for your waifu, then why would you pair them up with losers like Ichigo and Renji anyway?
Even fucking don kanonji is a better character than them.

user, just give it up.

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Things I hope for
Will of the heart remix plays when Ichigo and Bachgetsu meet after the reveal
Yoshinori Kameda animation but I don't know which fight I want it for
The entire thing to be animated like the part where Ichigo and Rukia say goodbye to each other after he loses his powers. That truly looked like the manga in animated form

Based user. The fallout from the orifags will be absolutely glorious


Do you think they ever spend any time alone together, as best friends, or would that be inappropriate now that they're married?

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replace Grimmjow with Haribel and that's right

It'd be neat if they were to animate the RxR wedding novel.

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Whose the fat lady, the brunette shinigami ? the others are those kids from their gang back in the day,right?

Of course they do. They probably have their own secret hideout for all kinds of “alone time”. Who would rather spend time with that fat breeding sow or a literal baboon

That's even better

That's not a woman, it's one of their childhood friends. Remember the three that died?

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>Kubo will make Ichiruki canon in the updated anime and I can't wait to laugh in all you orihimefags' faces
I'm ready for round two of IchiRuki meltdown boogaloo.

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Oh, whose the brunette shinigami then? Is she Chiyo from the novel? I didn't know she had a design

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Yes, it’s Chiyo.

Chiyo is cute.

>Who would rather spend time with that fat breeding sow
>a literal baboon

Are you a girl? I have a theory that all Ichiruki fags are females who on some biological level jealous of Orihimes fertility.

There is no way a sane person could think Ichigo would end up with Rukia in a shonen. The trope has always been whoever displays obvious love for the MC wins.

There would be no need to include this scene if Kubo didn’t intend for Ichihime, it’s not like he ever developed a fued or addressed any possible tsundere hidden feelings Rukia might have for Ichigo.

You are stupid if you expected Ichiruki

No lesbians allowed

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Spirits are forever with you
Death save the strawberry
We Knot always love you
Can't fear your own world

Bleach has a lot of novels they really should have animated them

>mr and ms togata.jpg

Transfer fat from chubby women into the breast of Rukia and Tatsuke first and then have Ichigo impregnate both especially Tatsuke. They have not played doctor since they were little.

>can't even spell Tatsuki correctly
What a waste of quads

Ichiruki was canon all along you idiots. You think just because IH and RR happen in the very last chapter it means anything? After kubo had been overworked and disinterested after drawing weekly for 15 years and having all kinds of health ailments you think how he arbitrarily ends the series that was being obviously rushed to a conclusion holds any type of significance. Who knows what kind of state of mind the man was in. Read the meta of the situation dumbass. Or do you really not have the capability for processing information that isn’t directly spoonfed to you.