Somehow, I dont think Gambling is that fun at all

Somehow, I dont think Gambling is that fun at all...

Attached: 1564285200055.jpg (1739x1247, 563.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:!AnhganO4WTXXpcsrFz8HjM_ufNMrBQ?e=yq3Bcn

now kiss

It' s fun when you own the casino.

looks fun to me

Attached: witch pain.png (844x1200, 785.44K)

When did this series become so gay?

Attached: gay.jpg (900x1291, 478.98K)

Could a device like that actually exist?

it always was

>handholding in the nude
Spoiler that shit.

Why are they naked

Fun when you win.

Also, the OPs for Kakeguruii always look great, wish the whole show was animated like this.