>Take Naruto
>Make Rock lee the main character
>Intsnat success
Also all might is literally Might Guy
Take Naruto
Also hire talented animators. We know at this point the autistic masses are enthralled over flashy colors and shapes.
>talented animators
Rock Lee does not cry nor depends on others.
Nigga cannot even be bothered to have a gf, let alone be a cuck.
Never post again
Rock Lee
>Determined to defeat Neji, his rival, by hard work
No if you did that you'd end up with a decent shounen
Rock Lee is far better than Deku
>Determined to defeat Neji, his rival, by hard work
And in the end he didn't do it
>Make Rock lee the main character
You wish. Rock Lee is way cooler than that pubeheaded fag. Rock Lee is a hardworking chad and is not a battered wife.
>talented animators
Kek, there is not a single MHA episode that can stand toe to toe with Naruto's hand2hand fighting kino.
Fuck off OP and never post anything again I don't wanna see your post on Yas Forums.
Triggred decuck
Fuck off I don't even read bnha because of Deku. Comparing Deku to Lee is criminal. Don't @me again.
>compare rock lee to this beta faggot who gave up on trainning the moment he found out he has no quirk
kill yourself
and ? he didnt do it doesnt mean he didnt try his damn hardest
Not Every sakuga is good. Bnha animators are hacks whos animation only appeal to tasteless masses and kids.
Those blocky shapes during sakuga or no regard for size of given space. It just looks bad and wrong.
Check bakugo jump when he was rescued or latest endavor fight
This bnha animation sucks ass
>Rock Lee is the main character.
Rock Lee was incredibly underpowered and worked hard to achieve where he got every day forever. Deku gave up until he got the super special ONE QUIRK BEATS ALL
Also he never did anything before all might promised OFA to him
I much prefer MHA: Vigilante for this very reason. Master is cool.
Shitty bait.
Dekuck is just a weaker version of Naruto combined with cuckoldry.
The closest character to Rock Lee among MHA's main characters is Kirishima.
>rock lee
>faggot mc is literally given the most powerful ability at the beginning of the series
Yes vigilantes is actually good
>colors? shapes? not for me. I like my anime to be dull, safe. none of that common flashy stuff the masses like.
>”””talented animators”””
>>faggot mc is literally given the most powerful ability
I hate Deku but his ability is nowhere near the Top 5 most powerful abilities in MHA. Even after O MY 7 QUIRKS.
Dont insult rock lee like that
>I hate Deku but his ability is nowhere near the Top 5 most powerful abilities in MHA
Here's a (you)
>>Make Rock lee the main character
I wish
Ah, I see, you are actually a MHA lover from Reddit.
o my 7 quirks are empowered by OfA, whatever they are, it's guaranteed they'll eventually be super broken, not to say Hori will asspull Deku having his own quirk all along
i know op is a retard but bha would be watchable if lee was the main character
>Take Naruto
>Have Jiraya teach him the Rasengan at the end of chapter 1 because he's so impressed with his ninja attitude
>Once the audience gets bored of Naruto winning every fight with the Rasengan reveal that just learning it also taught Naruto 7 other badass ninjutsu automatically
>Instant success