Why is a female character getting a haircut treated as such a big deal?

Why is a female character getting a haircut treated as such a big deal?

Attached: Hair cut.png (1350x1920, 1.16M)

How else are they supposed to show character development?

Hair is big fucking deal to women, they act like the world is ending if they got a haircut not to their liking.
Try touching a girl's head without permission and see what happens.

You must be ugly as fuck.

Try touching a dude's head without permission, how fucking retarded are you?

Changing your hair is considered changing your outlook in Japan or something. It's associated with "new starts" and things like that.

This particular instance is actually one of the few that are thematically correct though. Also they don't really make a big deal out of it.

Let me guess you are a socially awkward fella.

Girls cutting their hair is a big thing across most cultures. You don't realize how much people value having long hair, and will literally do everything and their power to stop a girl from cutting their hair.

Yes, hair is a big deal, but women get haircuts all the time without it being some life-altering event. They just feel like changing their style every so often.


It was literally sakuras best moment. I thought she would stop being useless, but then she was biting that guy and waited for chad to save her.

Human psychology just is that way. If you have long hair and cut it off it feels just a paragraph break in your life story

You're a casual when it comes to human traditions if you think its a woman-only thing

Hell even Shanghai Noon included it

Hair takes a long time to grow and is integral to a person's view of themselves.

Yeah, in Japan, men cutting off their top-knots was a big deal and is still a big deal for sumo wrestlers.

women are literally the same as children desu

Not in pic related though. Her hair got in the way, so she dealt with it. No big deal. What's important was showing the hair scrunchy falling off.

Thanks for your input incel-kun, now go to bed.

Nah in Germanic culture it was the other way around. Men took great pride in their long hair and it was a sign of nobility and power, cutting your opponent's hair was a way to shame them and a symbolic gesture to take away their noble status.

t. virgin

I'm a dude, and I had really long hair in high school. And I got it cut one day because it was getting annoying when I did martial arts.
The handful of female friends I had all made a big deal about it.

Fuck off, r*ddit.


Why not both? You know you can have several taps open at the same time.

Because r*ddit is fucking cancer and you fags are not welcome here.

user please stop this faggoty at once. You are worse than this brain-dead troll.

But if you reply to bad trolling like this you are also cancer.

Don’t tell me... you were just “pretending”.

I am compiling cringe screencaps for orange arrows, please keep em coming.

Yeah. My ex-gf cut her hair short 1 day after we broke up. She's with my handsome best friend now.

Attached: 1516625365671.jpg (1280x720, 72.95K)

Lurk more.

If you actually use plebbit, then you don’t even need screenshots from external websites. There’s a lifetime supply of cringe over there.

Bigger tits is the only way to go, haircuts are cringe and bluepilled.