My name is Kim Yo-Jong and today is my very first day as dictator!

>My name is Kim Yo-Jong and today is my very first day as dictator!

Would you watch it?

Attached: future leader of best korea is late for executions.jpg (1092x720, 89.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nuke it.

Only if she's naked

No way is this real.

That's a big toast


Kim Jong Un's sister


Attached: do it for her nork.png (1024x769, 1M)

We're in the weirdest timeline.

She looks more psychopathic than her brother.

Imagine fucking her. Or being fucked by her.

She musst be crazy in bed.

She absolutely is. She runs Nork propaganda and is a proponent of nuking the US

My dictator can't be this cute.

So did the fat fuck actually croak? Will this be the first female dictator in the world?

That's a funny way of saying "hellish sex dungeon".

the toast is an obvious shop.

she looks like Martin Shkreli.

>he can't tell by the pixels

Did they confirm his death already? The surgery was like 2 weeks ago wasn't it?

I'm sure you could find some other woman with absolute authority in some culture at some point in history if you looked hard enough, there must be.

I don't really see it desu

Attached: shekelri.jpg (1024x682, 78.14K)

His failed surgery is not even confirmed yet.
The rumors came from 2 senator in US and one is former.

How do you think these peoples' sex lives are like?

She cute

Nothing has been confirmed so far. I hope he's alright though.



Attached: Why yes, we should bomb them.jpg (1536x1024, 353.34K)

Queen Liz I, the Dowager Empress, Cleopatra and Hatshepsut come to mind but I'm not quite sure on their status as tyrants of the latter two.

She probably had ogry sex with cute korean shota.

pretty based desu

North Koreans are honorary aryans though. Bullshit like Tower of Gook wouldn't fly over at Best Korea, those people have standards.

Quite literally any queen that's not the current queen of england.

You don't understand mobile users. They don't see that it's shop, becouse they are to lazy to fuking zoom

of course

Unironically though, I'd love to watch that

beastars got nothing on squirrel and hedgehog

The north are a people of good taste.

understandable reaction

Uuhhhhhhhhhh hello? Based department?

Attached: spicy.jpg (396x396, 16.31K)

I was looking for that video to post actually. Best Koreans are by far the best Asian people. I love the stories of DPRK defectors that sink so deep into depression having to live in soulless, plutocratic South Korea that they just want to go back at any cost. Just an awesome people overall.

Why'd anyone think presenting korean sluts to a conservative country would be a good idea?

my girls

Attached: 6f632a5a24088f5e288d726c0c7a77fa.jpg (1847x2048, 754.51K)

Why even go to that concert?
I hope the singers made it out alive.

The Koreans represent simultaneously the worst of communism and capitalism.

These guys are based as hell.

>Why even go to that concert?
You mean the spectators? It was a diplomatic thing, it was probably filled with officials and other government workers as a courtesy.
>I hope the singers made it out alive.
Nice propaganda there.

Tfw no dictator mommy gf

Didn't alot of people starve there?

I don't understand why can't SK and Murrica just invade NK. Their military is on the level of 60s soviets isn't it? It should be over faster than iraq.

Because Kim Jong Un is in love with Irene.

Attached: reeny's chicken.webm (700x392, 2.84M)

It's not like I'm in love with the DPRK's government system or anything, they're shitty commies of course. But I would much rather spend my life in North Korea than in S*uth Korea. Any sane person would.

Because China is connected with North Korea, and there would be millions of refugees that neither country would want to take. It would be ultimately viewed as American aggression in Asia and cause China and Russia to get involved, and although North Korea would be fucked, Seoul would also suffer casualties.

No oil

Their fake overreactions are scary. Americans taught them well.

I kinda want to visit north korea to see what life was like 80 years ago. How dangerous is it? I heard they assign several guards to you that will shoot you if you stray from the official tourist path or something?

Cause 1: they have nukes, 2: it's a good counterweight so the SK has to keep relying on murica, 3: nothing to gain for the US

They started enough pointless wars

They had famines, but they never went through anything like the Four Pests Campaign. And they are decently autonomous nowadays with all the benefits of modern agriculture. I can't possibly imagine that their people are starving in this current year, it just doesn't make any sense.

Wander in the desert for forty days, if youre so great

Yeah the thing is that in North Korea everyone is a family and in South it's all about individualism so a lot of repatriated northerners are left in the south, can't make money and starve to death in their apartments.

They're just as fake inside as outside with their plastic faces.

The guy that looks dumbfounded had made a bet that he would buy all the athletes chicken if anyone hit the bullseye because nobody had done it in years. That's partly why they're acting that way, although there's certainly some overreaction.

Attached: frustrated reeny.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

>there would be millions of refugees that neither country would want to take.
Well then just nuke Pyongyang and unite both countries. Worked for germany back in 90s

You would be creating a quagmire because while there is incentive for war, there is no incentive for finishing the war. Also, Seoul would be levelled to the ground because of the artillery cannons that the DPRK has pointed at them. It's not about nukes.

care to share the stories?

hatshepsut would be by modern standards, but not by the standards of pharaohs so it's kinda a matter of interpretation