>his "wife" has a canon love interest
His "wife" has a canon love interest
>Canon love interest is fat.
>The canon love interest is (You).
Of course she does, she's God
If you're actually good enough for your waifu, it's a trash-tier waifu, no?
All waifus except mine are trash tier
What if I'm a Chad?
>his waifu is old enough to have a love interest
this is fucking cringe
Good thing that will never happen.
Fuck off Taco
dont lewd kino
>canon love interest is another female
Not that I know of.
Is the new D-frag chapter out yet?
>Over 120 chapters in
>we still don't even know Takao's first name
le ebin doomer closet case
We do, her full name is Takao Thunder
What's a doomer closet case?
My waifu is a pure virgin mistress.
>His "wife" has a wife
>his wife has a canon dick
I don't think many people want to go below JY.
angsty 20-ish faggot who thinks smoking cigarettes and wearing black clothing constitutes a personality
really though, you're fucking gay
you have fucking marceline in that picture, it couldn't be more obvious what type of snivelling and snarky gay bitch you are
I can't tell if you're fucking with me or not
We never lie here user, you can trust us.
Alright then what about Funabori
I’m embarrassed for you
Is it that bad?
Angels only have a single name.
she's impure