Boku no Hero Academia

Spoilers standby thread.
Day of the hand soon.
No shipping or /y/ allowed.

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dubs and someone dies this chapter

Shigaraki's new outfit is pretty based
Hopefully he kills Bakugou and Deku next chapter and becomes main character

Crust is DEAD

Checked but who?

Does Deku fucking around with a nomu count as shipping or /y/?

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Honestly I truly expect him to bite the dust. Not that I care about him

>No shipping or /y/ allowed.
ESLnigger here. Does that mean that if an user starts shipping then /y/ allowed?

So long Crust

Go away


Did we get any spoilers so far?


Lusting for Endeavor is still fine though, right?

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nothing gay about mirin

I believed it because he's easy sacrificial fodder. High enough rank to know that things are serious, too irrelevant for anyone to care.

Its basically overhaul and AfO's get-up merged. Its pretty fucking rad.

what time do spoiler usually come out

five minutes

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maybe another hour



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I'd just check back in the afternoon, you'll be seeing nothing but shitposting until then.

I can't sleep user, could you sing me a song?

please call me based

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I'll call you fuckugly


manchild suits you more

neet faggot

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Oh yeah, he IS a filler character.