Who are your top waifus?

Who are your top waifus?

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Who is the girl in the top left?

the wife from my home hero


this one, she's so lovely

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your waifus are cute

This is my top waifu.

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Fuck off, zoomer-kun.

Man it suck that snafu doesn't have a 3rd season. I really liked that show

based and gaypilled

rate my waifu list

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its shit user

You're a fucking pedophile. Rot in hell

>multiple waifus
>having taste this bad

I only need them

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shit thread

Just one for me, thank you.

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>No Angel Beats

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disgusting ironic weeb
C.C. is the only one for me!

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>this thread

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She's the only one for me.

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Fuck off and die normalfag

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>Holo F
Unironically kill yourself.

Your waifu dies in the LN.