It's okay 7/10. It really makes you feel like you're falling to the sky. But I still don't get how the world works. Google image "patema world map" gives multiple interpretation.
Patema Inverted
Age world is a hollow upside down dome in the earth. Patema lives underground inbetween that dome and the surface. On the bottom of the dome is "sun", that place that they find the balloon in.
In the end they break though the underground and reach the surface of earth.
8.5/10 art
7.9/ story
The animation and direction are the biggest letdowns. Shit is animated like a mid-tier TV anime and despite the potential the concept holds the directorial execution is surprisingly lackluster; besides Patema being cute it's just totally uninteresting to look at most of the time. The safeness of the script isn't even a problem.
What's the upside down radio dishes doing there?
And that artificial atmosphere is suppose to be as tall as the real atmosphere, how did that kind of gap got there?
Questions that will probably be never explained.
What would happen if they had a baby?
>The animation and direction are the biggest letdowns
There should be a lot of more vertigo inducing scenes. And they should've given this girl more screentime.
Their child would be a gravity bender, or a hero with a shitty powers.
As far as these teen romances go, it's definitely one of my favorites. No cheap melodrama, it plays out more like a fairytale. Of course, there is black and white morality, the villain is evil for the sake of being evil, laws of physics don't really work, and it has many other things people will point out as faults, but I think it kind of works in this format. It's a relatively short movie, so you have to sacrifice something after all. It might have allowed the creators to instead focus on the simpler messages, unique atmosphere and worlbuilding that definitely did leave a lasting impression on me. I really like the final scene on the actual surface. I'd give it 8/10.
One of the few movies that actually trigger this weird "falling awareness" in your senses. Only other one I can think of is Laputa.
>lasting impression
I think it's forgettable. The characters didn't really caught my sympathy. It needs a pinch of melodrama for me to recommend it to anyone.
Well, not for me, but I guess it can vary a lot from one person to another.
What happened to Yasuhiro Yoshiura? Wasn't he working on a reboot for Patlabor?
just watched
i liked it
>What's the upside down radio dishes doing there?
Controls the climate control machine? Or I guess it's a dish, so it would receive info from the climate control machine.
I'm not sure what you mean by that second question....
Hollow Earth, but the hollow is only about the size of alaska cubed and artificially made
I still have the Patema edit and that version is better if you've watched the original
>that second question
The fake sky is just so big
patema edit?
It's sci-fi, some future technology allowed them to create a big enough space underground. The Earth's radius is 6378Km of which 35-40km is the crust. I believe 10km or so is enough depth to create the same effect that we are shown in the movie.
It may be high, but its not a large area by any means. It's a skim off the top of the Earths atmosphere.
The one thing that bugs me is how come the debris that had its gravity inverted formed a ring around the Moon instead of being repulsed by it. Does it only work when Earth's gravity is concerned?
I've got that too, haven't gotten around to watching it though. Might do a rewatch soon and use that instead, could be fun.
Maybe its stuff that got carried up with the inverted gravity stuff.
Say a giant chunk of building gets inverted and carries a bit of normal gravity debris into space. It breaks up there and enters moon orbit.
Really it's just there to look cool though
It's on nyaa, it's an edit so that all the Patema scenes are flipped so it's from her perspective instead of Age. Or something like that.
gotcha thanks man
>it's just there to look cool though
I know. But your explanation actually does help me preserve my suspension of disbelief.
i watched it but i don't get it fully (maybe cause i watched it some time ago)
first how the hell did they ended up with inversed gravity properties
second, where does the inverted actually live ? was that a huge listening dish (like that in mexico ?)
also this picture looks like 3rd reich solider helmet
>first how the hell did they ended up with inversed gravity properties
Some failed experiment in manipulating gravity if I remember correctly.
>second, where does the inverted actually live ?
You mean the "inverted" like Patema? In the scientist faction living quarters. The image should make it clear.
>was that a huge listening dish (like that in mexico ?)
no i mean inverted like this boy
if it wasn't a dish what was this place ?
also why there was wasteland with old dishes there ?
sorry but i really can't remember
It's a huge underground dome built by the scientists for the inverted people a long time ago. From the point of view of a normal person, they are walking on the ceiling of that dome, they've built an entire city on it and that's where Age lives. I don't know why there is a wasteland of old dishes, it was shown in a couple of scenes, the one where Age and Patema are escaping after the guards when they come for them to his house comes to mind.