Like it? hate it? the 2nd part was good?
i can't choose a favorite girl, but i'm between redhead tomboy and glasses future milf
What's the Yas Forums consensus on magic knight rayearth?
Presea is best girl
I like the opening
I was kind of obsessed with the show for a while. Good art. Great performances and amazing soundtrack, both OST and singles.
First part was good in both anime and manga. Anime was okayish to good in S2, but the manga ending was total bullshit. The obnoxious critter being god was the biggest disappointment of the whole manga.
> Good art.?
> Great performances?
Don't be fooled by opening
There are many broken scenes on TV
The motion picture is stiff and not smooth
In terms of long-form animation in the 1990s, this budget is actually not high
>The obnoxious critter being god
oh, so they went there
The whole show was good fun. All three main girls are great, supporting cast is good and fun. Nova is best girl and potentially best yandere of all time, you have to be gay if you don't want her to try to kill you.
Part 2 should've kept things local rather than use foreign invaders. I did like Nova and Debonair though.
Animation might be so-so, but designs and art are top notch. I happened to watch a few eps on DVD recently, now I'm looking forward to BD rips.
Also its ten times funnier when you know that mokonas absolutely can speak human language and the one in the series doesn't do so purely by choice.
Finally, this show was a key precursor to retarded dragon girls, which alone is enough to immortalize it in my heart.
This is the only few sakuga scenes in TV animation. The number of sakuga is not as many as Sailor Moon
99% of sakuga scenes are in opening and ova
The end of season 1 is about the only thing I remember.
Two of the three OPs were amazing.
I want to fuck Umi
It's one of my absolute favorites. I even own cels from it.
It's CLAMP's Saga x Saori fanfic
Man what was up with the OVA anyways. Shit was weird.
I never actually watched the anime but I loved the snes jrpg to bits as a kid
The Saturn game is pretty cool too. Tragically it's retarded expensive but hey Saturn's easy to emulate for. Game Gear one....notsomuch.
I love Magic Knight Rayearth!
Personall I prefer the second season. The first was okay, but it wasn't until the second steason that I really started to truly love it.
An unusual opinion, user. But Ill respect you all the same
Rayearth is an anime I would support a modern remake of. I think it would do really well today.
WHY!? There's no need to remake it. The anime even had to add stuff to the manga. And you know damn well it wouldn't be an animation improvement.
It'd destroy everything
The OVA was genuinely terrible. I don't even know why it exists.
Don't even joke about that.
Look around any remake of old franchises from the 90s or before, get remake that not only are visually poor and fail to catch the aesthetic, but are also rushed as fuck because the industry modus operandi has changed throughout the years.
Sometimes you get lightning in a bottle, like the Yamato remake.
Much more likely we get a soulless close adaptation of the manga that ruins the artstyle, probably with new voice actors, ruining all discussion for all future because of the flood of new watchers who only see the remake and end up shitting all over the original because it "doesn't follow the manga".