If you could go to their world, despite the pain, would you?

If you could go to their world, despite the pain, would you?

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They're both used goods, so no, it's not worth it.

Both of them are virgins. Rem has been licked a little though

I would just have sex with Ram all day to be honest.

Rem and Ram belong to Clown cock

>despite the pain
Holy shit, who the fuck here would suffer half the shit Subaru does just to get laid?
>"where do you think you ar-"
I'm on Yas Forums, not among the simps of Reddit
Nobody that isn't a desperate, needy virgin is THAT desperate for maid sex

If I'm FORCED into their world, I'd move as far away as possible from the capital and Emilia's estate.
Do you not see those world events?
Let Reinhardt or Subaru take care of it, I don't wanna end up frozen, white whaled, or anything else being caught up as collateral damage from those freaks in the main story.

If I find myself educated in their world, I'll settle for working in local restaurant or diner, maybe as a teacher or a writer if I make my years count.
Honest living ain't so bad if I have to do some muscle work either, the only thing to worry about is pay.
Sex? Love? You can find that shit outside Teppei's book of horrors.
I don't need a pretty anime character to be my cocksleeve, that's just a luxury.

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but it's not like you have to give a shit about the plot

I'd be hunting down Elsa.

Rem is so lovely, I'll do anything for her.

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Why do you like her?

come on, we both know why he likes her, titties


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What? Why are you dressed like that?

Because she's so lovely. But for real, it's a lot of things.

The biggest thing probably would be her relationship with the MC and her role in the story. She has saved the MC more times then you would think. It's her words, her belief in Subaru that becomes the MC's backbone. It's a shame the anime doesn't show it and the LN rewrote him but in the WN he's really doing it all for Rem. Sure, whatever the fuck maybe the goal but it's Rem that's pushing him forwards.

She kind of comes out of nowhere and delivers the speech the entire series is named after. Relatively her time spent in the series is pretty short but when she was there she demanded all the attention. Even when she's gone, actually her being missing just accentuates how important she is to Subaru. I don't know if you know but she goes into a coma after the anime that is probably what made me into a Remfag, watching Subaru cope with the loss and him promising to Rem. I actually can just post it.

>Subaru takes Rem's hand, resolving himself. This time, definitely, he resolves himself.
>—I, no matter what, am going to,
>Subaru: “—Bring you back, Rem. No matter what, I'll bring you back.”
>Subaru had told her. That he'd show her, show her the man she loved, become the ultimate hero. So, would he not still be midway through his course?
>Subaru: “I'm, no matter what... Your hero will, no matter what, come to get you. —Be waiting for me.”
>He raises his head. Bares his teeth. Pronounces war on the enemy. He will make them regret touching what shouldn't be touched, encroaching on what shouldn't be encroached. >And it'd be no man other than Natsuki Subaru.
>Subaru: “No matter what. —No matter what!!”
>He couldn't bear his memories of his days starting from zero being ones without her. No matter what, bring it back.
>Bring back the days he lost, the hours they lived together, the hours they would live together. Once again, his hands would reel everything back in, unfailingly.

Having her being erased

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from the world, makes Subaru carry Rem's burden alone. It's really romantic and I'm a sucker for romance. How he calls her his sleeping princess (I've seen it translated as sleeping beauty also), his moments at her bedside where he presents his heart to her, how he continues to rely on her when she's gone clinging to the hope that she can be revived. It's all overly romantic.

Literally she's a self insert for females. When you compare her character to a female oriented media female lead like a Otomo game or Shoujo you'll see that they are very alike in ways. She's impossibly hardworking, her impossible devotion heals the MC, she's a bit mary sueish when literally everyone loves her but it can be explained that she's very lovable.

She's a fun character. Her yandere tendencies are played for laughs, she's autistic and takes figures of speech literally which almost caused Subaru to drown in a bathtub full of mayonnaise. She's not insane she just has a very different way of looking at things at times, seeing things from her perspective is always interesting. She actually had more scenes from her POV than Emilia until she was put into a coma and even then it took a while for Emilia to catch up. I'm just going to stop here.

Rem is so lovely.

It's more about the armpits these days. I got a big wheel that I spin which decides what part of her I will fetishize for a while.

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You don't think her basically orbiting Subaru and only wanting to please him is a bad thing? And how Subaru is still referred to as being her hero?

Yea sure why not
>but it hurts
yea so?

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I would like to go to there.
But I'd probably try a bit harder to not get hurt and actually practice magic somewhat.

>You don't think her basically orbiting Subaru
It doesn't really work that way when Subaru lead her on, and later comes to reciprocate her feelings. You really have to look at this from Rem's point of view, the blame is on him for grabbing all of Rem's capture flags either on purpose or inadvertently. It would be WRONG for her to not have feelings for the man who saved her not only once but twice, told her the things that would alleviate her guilt that has clouded her since she was 8, and all the shit that happened in the side stories - there was even the summer festival thing where she wore a kimono and visited all the stalls together.
> only wanting to please him is a bad thing
Then why didn't she agree to his proposal? To run away. It's what he wanted. Why didn't she please him there?

It's because she doesn't only want to please him. She has expectations for him, she's the only one in that world who ever expected anything from him. And that expectation is the only thing Subaru could cling to when she rejected him.

Subaru thought she was a doormat, that she'd agree to anything. He was wrong.
>He was wrong. He’d thought wrong. He had been so, so wrong.
>He’d thought that she, Rem, was the only one who’d allow Subaru to fall as far as he needed to, that no matter how weak, pathetic, and humiliated he was, she’d forgive him—and he’d made a mistake.
>It had been an error, a lethal degree of foolishness.
>—Rem was the one, the only one, who would never allow Subaru to give in.
>Everyone had told Subaru that he didn’t have to do anything, that he should just behave himself. They had said that they expected nothing from him and that his actions were futile.
>—But it was Rem who would not permit Subaru to be weak.
>She was the only one who’d kept saying, Stand up. Don’t give up. Save everyone.
>No one expected anything from Subaru. But she had refused to abandon him, even when he had abandoned himself; nor would she accept his giving up

Read the novel.

>And how Subaru is still referred to as being her hero?
What do you mean by this. I like how he's clung to her all this time. It's paid off when Blue Force Ghost Rem came and called Subaru/Subarui "Rem's Hero"

Arc 6 Chapter 61 "Stand Up"
>Answer me. Give me something that will help me be strong.
>Please, blue-haired girl, say something that’ll make me――

>[Rem: ――Because you’re Rem’s hero, Subaru-kun]

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>implying chads wouldn't want to explore another world.
I would go there, train in magic, and then romance emilia and puck/crusch. All while having a fun time.

I want to put a lot of babies inside rem's tummy!

Why do people lover her armpits so much?

Yes, even if I'm not in a protagonist position like Toyota. Their universe is infinitely more interesting and there are no j-words.

The relationship Subaru and Rem built is truly especial. But I can't get over the fact that he still puts Emilia over Rem. The harem and the "2nd bride" is complete bullshit.

I want to lick Ram's booty

I’d rather go to the lanpoonworld.

>The relationship Subaru and Rem built is truly especial
True. In how laughably bad it is.

>I like Mayonnaise on my chicken wings
What in the literal fuck does Rem see in this degenerate

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