There is a movement to make porn of the President of China's wife and daughter. This is his wife Peng Liyuan. Do you think it's possible to contact Japanese artists to make a hentai of her?
How to contact Japanese hentai artists?
Other urls found in this thread:
Boku no Pico
Gee if only almost every single one of them leaves contact details at the end of every doujin they make or something. That would mean OP wouldn't need to make a retarded thread on the wrong board, wouldn't it?
Here's the daughter Xi Mingze btw
If anyone knows a hentai artist please tell them
Please think of your social credit score.
I don't read Asian coomer cartoons so I wouldn't know, this is just for propaganda
Back to Yas Forums, 14 year old.
It takes two seconds too google. Kill yourself.
>Back to Yas Forums, 14 year old
This is your brain on Yas Forums
Make sure the milf Liyuan is banged by horses OP that's been the thread canon
There's already plenty of porn of Piglet and Rabbit, you fool.
>All these basedboy seethe replies
That's how you know its spot-on KEK
>boomers want to use 4chins are their personal army (again)
>get told to just pay attention retard
>lmao anime is cringe anyway
reminder that t_d thinks Yas Forums is their ticket to getting hip with the kids
>oh shit i got completely btfo i'm gonna post a wojak in response
I know that Asanagi does porn comissions if you DM him on twitter, but you'll have to try and use google translate or get someone else to contact him for you
He speaks english fluently though.
>You're a boomer
>You're a 14 year old
You also don't know how to search information on the internet?
>Oh shit my autistic pussy mental illness hobby got exposed gotta call the guy a nazi
She looks like she might've been cute 35-40 years ago.
Xi Mingze is still kinda cute, though this photo is shitty.
I'd read it.
How much does he charge? I’m looking for guro commissions.
i feel bad for HKers when the last people in the west trying to bandwagon their cause are autists that dont even care about said cause and just wanting to feel like theyre doing something
oh, that's cool
idk, but probably expensive since he's one of the most famous nip porn artists
>he thinks a wojak is an argument
his ignorance could be because he's too old or too young, it's admittedly hard to pinpoint
Your best bet is to contact your country's embassy in Japan. They will have staff trained to facilitate these transactions.
i think the 14 year old comment just points to the childish immaturity and not as a reference to age
>muh age
Is not an argument, especially since you have no way of confirming it.
>I'll just blame the Jews of things I don't like
>I got sent to Yas Forums I guess I was right
I wonder if Yas Forumsfags are some kind of ironic punishment for Hitler on the afterlife
too old
You love getting banned it seems.
Assuming that he's a 14 years old is giving him the benefit of the doubt. If he's a kid, then he has an excuse to be so dumb, if he's older, he should consider not acting like a dumb kid proud of his ignorance.
Post the edit.
so, you dont like anime but like to beg in anime boards?
mighty autistic of you
This would probably lead to sanctions against Japan. Don't give Abe reasons to ruin weebshit for everyone.
the poltard cries out "the jews made me do this" as he strikes you
Wife is fair game but dragging his daughter into this seems wrong
Let's be real here: Jap. artist don't got the balls to do it.