I can't stand this creepy fat fuck...

I can't stand this creepy fat fuck. Lolis deserve attention from handsome and kind onii-sans not some obese otaku lesbian freak.

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i would fuck that fat

God she's so fucking hot.

I came for the lolis and stayed for the hag. Miyako is love.

Probably smells like cake icing and body odor

she should get fatter

She's not fat

Shes just not wearing makeup. Woman are hideous without makeup, those fake fucks.

Mya-nee's love of the watatens is pure and nonsexual

Post it.

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Good series that I get a boyfriend, at least if I did not dislike some.

excuse me user what the fuck?

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>I came for the lolis and stayed for the hag
You never came for the lolis, poser. If you're going to like hags, at least stop pretending you're a lolicon.

What, I can't like both?

If you like hags enough to prefer one of them over lolis, then yeah, you're not a lolicon.

Are you that much of a homosexual that you can only get off to one body/mind type? Embarrassing.

Mya-nee can be a homerun at times, but I love Noa. She's a great girl with a glass ego.

post the gif so i can nut already

>best loli anime is also an yuri anime
And all was right with the world.

Why is the anime so lewd compared to the manga ? The concept is the same but the anime goes way further with the cosplay/poses/close ups.

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Well I don't really care about being a lolicon, but I do like lolis

Okay, fence-sitter.
Watch more anime.


Not him but why are you so booty blasted?

Because I'm tired of ironic lolicons appropriating lolicon culture.

Look. You're not a nigger. You haven't been enslaved for 300 years. You haven't been systematically oppressed for the 160 years thereafter. You just a pedophile who would get shunned by any other corner of the internet. Don't act holier than thou based on oppression olympics points you have no understanding of when you should thank your lucky stars you aren't locked away.

Hinata is good at making friends.

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The deficiency in this picture represents the lack of taste required to like a certain body/mind type, while the excess represents an obsession great enough to overshadow other types. Just being in the middle isn't good enough though, as that could easily be interpreted as lukewarm. Imagine the mean in this picture as a point above the middle of the line with the two halves leading up to it like a triangle. This is the ideal mean. Now imagine this two-sided triangle concept to apply to every body/mind type, one 'triangle' per type. Place them in a circle to form a baseless pyramid with all the ideal means intersecting at one point above the middle. This is where you should strive to be, in tune with all types while shunning none. If the balance is shifted even slightly then the whole pyramid falls apart, as there is no base. Retain this balance to experience true enlightenment.

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ironic weebs unfortunately actually exist and ruin everything for proper anime fans
your insane ironic lolicon experience is only proof of your own insanity and you really need to re evaluate your own life
I don't want to say why but you already know why
it sucks but if you have this kind of dedication then you already have a good picture of what's killing your mind already
it's ok user

Not fat enough

Hags are for Chads.

If you're going to masturbate to a fat old hag in a show with five fifth graders, at least don't pretend you're a lolicon.

have you even watched otaku no video? do you even know what it means to be a rorikon?

It's okay to be a haglover, user. Just don't pretend you're into kids when you're obviously not.

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can you prove you are a true blood rorikon? I wanna see your dedication because you always talk a lot of shit
why should I take orders from a faggot shitposter?
prove yourself you fucking absolute faggot

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