One Piece

did you ever think there'd ever again be such a moe cinnamon roll character as Kiku in One Piece?

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How big is she?

Get cancer and die

Don’t make it a tranny thread. Trannies need to learn nobody likes them and they are not welcome anywhere

yeah another zoro vs sanji thread is much better


A beautiful swordswoman with meat

There, stop asking.

Also HE, 202007171 is right get your fucking Trans/Futa or whatever the fuck fetish out of here

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>when your existence makes ESLs seethe

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post your face when this dropped

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14" long, 4" across.

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I was pissed that we waited 3 monthes for this shit when he had been teasing Galette and Marguerite stuff

>4" across.

>did you ever think there'd ever again be such a moe cinnamon roll character as Kiku in One Piece?
She's refreshing. She's packing a comically large penis and Oda plays it completely straight. Even straighter than Jimbei.

I don't think she'll be the last.

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Be gone trap

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Yeah, the blue balls are real, we could have had a finally some chrarlotte material or best girl mrgarette shoing up again but no, we got Nami+Tranny

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You didn't tribute summon your Jinzo.

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Denjiro's pompadour looked sick as hell, why did Oda remove it damnit.

Yup, he skipped two entire issues so I was checking his twitter, the Galette you posted and the recent Margerite were gorgeous but we got the tranny instead, fuck kikufags.

It has a symbolic meaning in Japan, doesn't it?

Kiku a cute

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Ok with the introduction of the flying six

Arc Battlles.

Luffy, Law, and Kidd vs Kaido

Zoro and Denjiro vs King Zoro's father

Sanji and Jinbei vs Queen

Inu, Neko, and Asura Doji vs Jack

Kinemon vs Kanjuro

Momo, Usopp, and Hiyori vs Orochi

X Drake vs Page One

Robin vs Black Maria

Kiku vs Ulti

Kawamatsu vs Sasaki

Killer vs Gong Zhu

Chopper vs the leader of the numbers

Brook vs Apoo Music Battle

Franky will obliterate all the fodder with his new weapons and essentially just rampage the battlefield. Maybe he'll fight Kaidos son

Nami and Zeus, Heart Pirates, Wanda, Sicilian, Carrot, Some Kidd pirates and Raizo vs Big Mom (not the entire BM Pirates, they will remain at sea.

Everyone else vs Fodder.

The absolute worst part of any new story arc in One Piece is having to go through the endless garbage posts of "Who is gonna fight who" to find a post by someone with a brain.

more pics

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Are spoilers incomplete or the whole chapter is just literally about flying six

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Why do ESLs hate Kiku? Do they think Tijuana donkey shows are less degenerate?

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Swimming inside Black Maria's sweaty pits.

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Do zoomers really care about this shit

I think I'm very weak to Ulti bitchface

They're incomplete. We don't have a summary yet.

Ahhh giant waifu! This is amazing!

Deal with it

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Can't wait for this to drop tomorrow. There's going to be so much interesting info inside

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Giant Robin power up confirmed?

>she smokes

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