Is a better protagonist even possible?

Is a better protagonist even possible?

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He literally has Gilgamesh as a best bro.

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Why do fatefags consider Shirou to be a good character? He's just your generic nice guy MC

I'm a redhead, I plan on going to a con as Emiya one day and the whole time I will pretend to just be a normal guy who has no idea what Fate is and just happened to be wearing a certain kind of longsleeve shirt.
The goal is of course to put as many fatefags as possible into a publicly embarrassing situation. Bonus points for every direct quote or reference I can make while maintaining the facade.


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Say you don't cook and use alarm clocks, that'll get us seething on a different level

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Yes. Here are two. Best thing that ever happened to Fate.

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I give you 30 seconds before someone realizes your bullshitting.

fpbp first thing that came to mind


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user, I...

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No thanks

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That's why they like him. Fate is really just waifu shit, so a bland male protagonist works best.

>Hurrr so I'm so edgy and I hate my friends!!!
watch more than five anime

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Pull your head out of your ass, fatefag.

Yes but it's uncommon. Shirou is a really interesting character for someone who is partly just a self-insert. He's the best in VNs that's for sure.


You're not proving anything.

he's a pleb filter

user I......

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>Expect self insert
>Get a literal sword
>And it gets more swordy with each route

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Imagine if he just sliced his hand open on live tv trying to be cool.

*blocks your path*

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Make way plebians. Your king is here.

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Holy fucking based; I didn’t know Shirou was this much of a gigachad

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except while you were jerking off to your waifu he mastered the blade

I guess he’s not enough of a faggot to do something like that.

that's not char

Shirou is beyond based

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They make me violently ill. At least the male does, Gudako on the other hand, makes me want fuck her thighs with her stockings still on.

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Umineko was boring

The absolute state of Fatefags.

>He's the best in VNs that's for sure.
As if, fate is probably the only vn you've ever read

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Say what you want about the show, Lelouch is entertaining as fuck

>Triple dubs