Is a better protagonist even possible?
Is a better protagonist even possible?
He literally has Gilgamesh as a best bro.
Why do fatefags consider Shirou to be a good character? He's just your generic nice guy MC
I'm a redhead, I plan on going to a con as Emiya one day and the whole time I will pretend to just be a normal guy who has no idea what Fate is and just happened to be wearing a certain kind of longsleeve shirt.
The goal is of course to put as many fatefags as possible into a publicly embarrassing situation. Bonus points for every direct quote or reference I can make while maintaining the facade.
Say you don't cook and use alarm clocks, that'll get us seething on a different level
Yes. Here are two. Best thing that ever happened to Fate.
I give you 30 seconds before someone realizes your bullshitting.
fpbp first thing that came to mind
user, I...
No thanks
That's why they like him. Fate is really just waifu shit, so a bland male protagonist works best.
>Hurrr so I'm so edgy and I hate my friends!!!
watch more than five anime
Pull your head out of your ass, fatefag.
Yes but it's uncommon. Shirou is a really interesting character for someone who is partly just a self-insert. He's the best in VNs that's for sure.
You're not proving anything.
he's a pleb filter
user I......
>Expect self insert
>Get a literal sword
>And it gets more swordy with each route
Imagine if he just sliced his hand open on live tv trying to be cool.
*blocks your path*
Make way plebians. Your king is here.
Holy fucking based; I didn’t know Shirou was this much of a gigachad
except while you were jerking off to your waifu he mastered the blade
I guess he’s not enough of a faggot to do something like that.
that's not char
Shirou is beyond based
They make me violently ill. At least the male does, Gudako on the other hand, makes me want fuck her thighs with her stockings still on.
Umineko was boring
The absolute state of Fatefags.
>He's the best in VNs that's for sure.
As if, fate is probably the only vn you've ever read
Say what you want about the show, Lelouch is entertaining as fuck
>Triple dubs