Created by a girl

>Created by a girl
>Target demographic is older, mature guys
This is the basis for the greatest that anime has to offer, prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't. This also applies to works such as K-on which were not created by a girl but were improved tremendously by a female anime director.

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yeah those are some nice feet

cute feet

>Target demographic is older, mature guys
Is it? I thought they were going for school kids.


Somewhat related: I've seen every anime movie that has shown at my local theater in the past several years, they show pretty much everything that gets a US release. Of all of them, Euphonium: Oath's Finale was the only one to have a 100% male audience. (Love Live, by contrast, had the most girls, even more than ones with romance stories) They were also the most normal looking people I've seen at anime showing, just normal guys, no one morbidly obese or very nerdy looking.

Too bad this series turned into melodramatic garbage after season 1. Also pic related is the best thing kyoani has ever done.

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They probably went for the Shoe x Kumiko.

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Female creators making things for a male target demographic is an interesting phenomenon.

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Hyouka is fucking boring. 10% of it is really good. If you seriously tell me you enjoyed the film club arc and think that making it longer than the uncle plot line was a sane decision on the part of the creators, you are seriously, catastrophically mentally retarded. It was beautiful, I'll give you that, but style can only go so far.


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According to this woman Kaoru Kumi, K-on and Hibike Euphonium are subliminal child-porn (instruments are symbols for penises), while Girls und Panzer is not.

I guess the real lolicons were women the whole time.

I loved it because it brought me back to high school band again. Too bad we didn't have a ton of cute girls.

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Do girls do this?

Both of you are wrong. High school anime is extremely boring.

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I want to munch on those legs

So what exactly does hibike have going for it past season 1 besides having kumiko?

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>it's not actually child porn, but it does contain sexy imagery of fictional high school girls
Incredible insight. What a true intellectual. This is no doubt the first time that anyone has ever arrived at this conclusion about an anime.

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Off the top of my head
>Mizore-Nozomi relationship plot line, lays the foundation for Liz and the Blue Bird (excellent movie)
>Struggles and progress of the band overall, competitions
>Asuka arc
>Kumiko/Mamiko arc
>Reina+Taki stuff (especially the confession during the competition)
>Moment in the last episode when the name of the show/novel is explained
I could go on. Also, Kumiko is not the best girl. She's about equal to Kaori or Nozomi. Reina is #1

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>Reina is #1
Glad i don't have taste this shit

>Mizore-Nozomi relationship plot line, lays the foundation for Liz and the Blue Bird (excellent movie)
>Struggles and progress of the band overall, competitions
>Asuka arc
>Kumiko/Mamiko arc
>Reina+Taki stuff (especially the confession during the competition)
>Moment in the last episode when the name of the show/novel is explained
>Kumiko is not the best girl
>She's about equal to Kaori
>Reina is #1
Cringe and yikes

I'm glad I'm not a seething yurifag like you. No one other anime has tricked, baited, and destroyed your kind harder than Eupho did

The author is a closet lesbian.

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Thanks to K-on, Kyoani made the bizarre discovery that there's an audience overlap between 20-something moefags and high school girls. Since then they kind of wrote series for high school girls know that cute girls would draw the otaku audience either way.


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I like Kumiko because of the fluffy hair