Fourth Shinobi war >>> Marineford

Naruto War arc makes Marineford look childish

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Literally the exact opposite, Marineford felt like an actual war, unlike the 4th great shinobi war which felt like a bunch of isolated fights loosely connected.

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Nah Marineford was more like one decisive battle whilst the 4th great shinobi war was multiple battles in a larger war that all accumulated to the final climax.

That's because Marineford it's not the actual ONE PIECE war arc. If anything, it was more similar to the sand invation, because in both, the ld man ,that is the closest thing to what the protag wants to become, gets killed and this creates a "new era"

Doesn't that just prove that marineford is no way near 4th great shinobi war level and yeah maybe its unfair to compare an end war arc to a middle war arc however in one piece at the moment it is THE war arc so until the Great Pirate War is being released the 4th Great Shinobi War comes out on top

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I love Madara

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Same, definitely a top tier villain

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fucking zombie shit ruined it

>Marineford felt like an actual war
All the big players just stand there most of time. You are a retard

He literally saved Naruto. The only reason you can have a half way respectable Nardo thread on Yas Forums has s because of how good of a pay off Madara was.

i will admit it did drag a bit as they could not die outright but the hype of the 4 hokages entering the war was amazing and plus Madara becomes alive again during so not all bad

I actually think things were getting really annoying when they added the alliance, then they had to make bring in the zombies for them to fight

I preferred the small teams instead of the big war

*the chapters like akatasuki hunting arcs with small teams

Naruto is overall better than One Piss but its hard to imagine a worse ending than the 4th World War with all the Uchihawank.

The true red pill is that both of these "wars" sucked impel down was better

i really enjoyed just the scale of it all like everyone was fighting and yeah il admit some zombies were just so annoying and kinda ruined the arcs retroactively like zabuza and haku and they redrew haku with like proper fem lips, it was really weird

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Definitely Impel down >> Marineford but 4th Great Shinobi War had way more hype moments and antagonists then Impel Down

>war is just one big fight

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Were we supposed to expect the espada to really be a threat?

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Weak bait

Not even Aizen expected them to be a threat, it was just a way to buy time for the Hogyoku and develop Ichigo


Well, Naruto War was the endgame climactic setting, and Marineford was the halfway point. Explains why Naruto War spanned 200-300ish chapters out of the 700 chapter series.

America vs Russia was no (known) fight

Like i said this is fair but they are both war arcs so a comparison can be made and as of yet it is THE war arc in one piece, maybe end game war of one piece will be the best war arc in anime ever

Madara is perfection. He literally did nothing wrong. I want to protect his precious smile

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>He literally did nothing wrong.
dumb meme

Madara is awesome but i think the "nothing wrong" meme comes from when Villians motives are pretty sound and to some degree you can see why they are doing it and agree rather than the "im evil i want society to burn" like that shit hand 'villain' from mid hero, and even tho Madara does some really horrific things his end goal is peace albiet fake

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>Madara's goal is peace but fake
Is that not Naruto's goal as well? Peace through "understanding", aka "imposing my views on to you until you agree without really understanding what made you act the way you are"?
Also, how do you call Madara's peace fake when all other methods of peace just lead to an intensification of the shitty state of the world?

but doesn't that just prove how cool of a villain he is when he has the same end goal as the mc but he just uses extreme methods, its fake because its not real as its in a fake genjitsu world and surely if the other methods result in an intensification of a sitty state of the world then it isnt really true peace but thats madaras point tho hence why he used the ten tails