ITT: kino

Attached: C.C. Kino.webm (960x540, 2.77M)

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Attached: ara Agni-kun what an unexpected suprise.jpg (827x1300, 144.65K)

I dare you, I double dare you to find a more kino moment than Luna cosplaying.

Attached: FA_FP_53_18-19.png (1656x1300, 513.93K)

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Wait wait wait. I uploaded a picture of agni but here im seeing tomako and some roastie. Is this just on my end or did my post and someone else's get merged?

so cute


That wasn't even the best moment in the series but it was fun, fucking shitposters

This was the only redeeming factor about the movie. And I’m not even a C2fag

wrong board fag

someone post it already

OP here, pic unrelated obviously


>shit movie where Lelouch is braindead for the entire first half
Movie was shit. No-one watches Code Geass for anything other than Lelouch and his ability to drive this trainwreck.

>for the entire first half
and wasn't much better for the second half

You're right but at least he was capable of functioning in the second half, if just barely.

yup, but I'd rather get a movie about, you know, Lelouch fucking vi Britannia instead of a barely functioning dumbfuck with a vague ressemblance

*le wojak coomer face.jpg

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>No-one watches Code Geass for anything other than Lelouch and his ability to drive this trainwreck
You'd be surprised at how many watched it for the romance, apparently.

>people do this
Is tis the real world?


Tower of Kino - Kino no tou
the new AOTS

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Sadly yes, my friend. Best of luck to you too.

>Lelouch is braindead for the entire first half
And it was still the better part of that flick.


Attached: 1587524638412.jpg (530x530, 112.2K)

today OP was retarded

>3.14 :D