Haruhi rewatch after 11 years

I was 12 at the time, 23 now

This used to be my absolute favorite show, I bought the light novels and everything, and I remember loving it

Now I can't even fucking watching it, I must have been a horny tween or something, why is Kyon so fucking scummy? His only interest is seeing the girls in skimpy outfits, Mikuru gets sexually harassed repeatedly and Haruhi acts like a complete spoiled bitch and he never has any nuts to just say "no"

I guess I've just outgrown shounen or something has anyone else had this feeling? Either when they originally watched it or on a rewatch? For reference I haven't watched much anime since about 2011

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I also watched all of Bunny Girl Senpai yesterday, which felt like the same thing but seinen, and enjoyed that a stunning amount more

You sound like you've regressed

Regressed how?

>I guess I've just outgrown shounen

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I tried Hunter X Hunter recently, didnt like that, can't get back into Dragon Ball, everything I've tried lately that's shounen, whether it's action stuff or Haruhi, I just can't get into, I kinda liked Komi-san but that's about it, even then it didn't seem like something I'd read for more than a volume or two

I'm the opposite. Haruhi was one of my first anime series that I watched online and was my favorite. I decided to rewatch the series 3 or 4 years ago and felt the same joy I felt when I first watched it. I try to rewatch the series once a year and the movie every Christmas ever since.

You became a judgmental faggot who takes shit too serious.

I'll finish the first six eps (I was going to go through them in one sitting but my Plex was fucking up) and decide then, I'm reading other people say the same thing

Yeah thats a definite regression.

I was 17 and uinderage b& when this aired and i was on Yas Forums 14 years ago.
I didn't get the hype then with this anime and having rewatched it recently I still don't get the hype after all these years. Definitely one of the most overrated anime there is, I watched it initially because it was so overhyped and everone was screaming how good it was.

Maybe people consider the story in Bunny Girl Senpai worse? Idk, I like that the characters act like adults, there's no stupid cocktease prolonged romance, the two main characters genuinely care for each other and stupid manufactured misunderstanding drama is extremely limited, they explain the little sister obsession thing better than I thought they would and the entire story wraps itself up in a much more satisfying way, to me at least

I was 15 or so watching Haruhi the first time and 23 now. Still the best anime ever produced, during the Golden age of Kyoani.

Im trans btw. dunno if that matters


Why does kyon have to say no for Mikuru? There are also problems with haruhi being unhappy but I guess that doesn't matter as much as kyon not white knighting..?

>For reference I haven't watched much anime since about 2011
Why? Care to elaborate because that's a long time ago

Probably got disgusted of anime after endless eight

>I was 12 at the time
>This used to be my absolute favorite show
Yep, typical KyoAni & Haruhi fan.

I mean later on I get him not getting involved, but at first Haruhi's literally stripping this girl, idk man I'd probably get involved it's not that he doesn't get involved honestly I just get annoyed with the shounen tropes even if they do become insonsequential later on

I honestly can't remember, I got kind of annoyed with the whole industry, that's when it was just about going into super flavor of the month seasonal stuff, I got a bit tired of the K-On kind of stuff dominating the market, and I started going to an inner city school and it just wasn't the look I wanted lmao, but also there just wasn't enough of it I cared for, I wasn't exposed to enough of the shounen stuff I ended up watching later and I couldn't find enough interesting shoujo/cool mystery/sci-fi stuff like Haruhi to keep me in the fandom

Years later I ended up finding old stuff I liked, mainly mecha and old shoujo and old OVAs, and slowly went through a bunch of that, ended up reading all of Jojo, Berserk, watching Kaiji, enjoying Kakegurui, and now that we're all stuck inside I decided to finally give it a fair shake again, There's no more seinen or old school shoujo like Utena or Rose of Versailles or even too much flowery stuff like Ouran, so that just leaves slice of life and mystery stuff, which is why I like Bunny Girl Senpai

I'm a few episodes further, I remember why the show is so fun once they get into the sci fi stuff, I guess the shounen tropes/borderline ecchi stuff gets more on my nerves than it used to, which is natural, since I'm not a horny teen anymore


You sound like a 13-year-old who tries too hard at categorizing every possible thing. Also, try using periods instead of commas.

generic slice of life stuff with lots of moe and scantily-clad girls is almost always shounen user, just accept it, check what magazines all the manga adaptations are in

>I was 12 at the time
Die Lancedjack faggot.


What do you call it, I'm curious


haruhi was always garbage, i've been telling you kids this for fucking years now

>I must have been a horny tween or something
>haruhi was my favorite show when i was younger
>realized i used to go on wetpussygames after watching the show

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That's fair, and explains why K-On doesn't bug me as much, I still find that all the moe/slice of life stuff that gets serialized in shounen magazines bothers the shit out of me

Tricky hook maymay

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That explains it.

It's not in Shounen magazine and has no traits that would give it that qualification

Every single Haruhi manga besides Koizumi was serialized in a shounen magazine