3DCG should never be used in any anime. It ruins the artistic quality of them.
Whoever disagrees with this has no sense of art.
3DCG in anime
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yeah sure
Too bad you are not an animator nor have any influence so your opinion does not matter in the slightest outside of your head
tldr too bad you not japanese
>Too bad you are not an animator nor have any influence so your opinion does not matter in the slightest outside of your head
Making reductive statements like this is not helpful to anyone.
it's getting better, Promare and Dorohedoro are examples
>It ruins the artistic quality of them.
Says the retard who probably hasn't noticed any of the 3DCG used in half of the anime he's watched because they were actually used well and in a measured fashion.
If by better you mean more accurately expressing the anime style then you're wrong. 3DCG functionally cannot do it because it requires 3d models to animate. Promare was garish schlock and does nothing for anime styled designs which is why it's characters are 2d. It's used 3dcg to cut corners on backgrounds and mechanics. Also dorohedoro only looks less jarring because it doesn't use human characters. Comments like yours showcase ignorance.
purityfags like you are the worst
This shit butchered the Manga's artstyle though.
cowboy bebop was fucking great and it had 3d
based satan dabbing on OP
The 2D actually adapted the manga faithfully and took advantage of medium.
Actually cum guzzling apologists like you are.
>3DCG functionally cannot do it because it requires 3d models to animate.
You've never heard of particle effects, have you?
Cowboy Bebop was great IN SPITE OF the 3d not because of it.
>dorohedoro only looks less jarring because it doesn't use human characters
wtf am I reading?
i meant not for all it's stuff
Good 3DCG is really hard to pull off, but they're slowly improving.
>2 minute PV
Woulda looked like shit in a full series.
Unless you had an animation budget comparable to the US' defense budget you'd have ended with a QUALITY shitstorm after ep2.
Fucking retard.
Anime adaptations in general usually ruins the artistic quality of the manga. CGI may be somewhat worse but if you regularly watch anime adaptations at all you really have no room to talk.
I have and usually don't mind them so long as they're only there to supplement 2dfx and not to replace it. That however doesn't solve the morphological issues inherent to 3dcg when trying to depict anime characters. Anime characters are transformational representations of real life 3 dimensional objects. They are not geometrically 3d. See attached as an example, it's impossible to feasibly animate a character with hair like this using 3dcg. The technology is not built for this type of shit.
Sasuga satan.
>the morphological issues inherent to 3dcg when trying to depict anime characters.
Most anime that use 3DCG don't really use it to depict characters. The overwhelming majority uses it for particle effects, pure lighting effects, and smaller objects, or objects in smaller scenes (when they want to use more fluid camera movement).
But 3dcg anime vehicles and other mechanical objects can still ruin any anime series or movies even when the characters are entirely 2d. Take a look at this these, for examples
problem with cg is that it's a cheap way to animate a lot of things (crowds) or complicated things (machines and monsters)
emphasis on CHEAP
good cg takes effort and it's not a skill anime studios are proficient with
shit arcsys does looks convincingly anime and pretty cool, and that's with unreal4
unsurprisingly, most of budget and effort goes into animating thing properly
It's also a problem for that too. They can't even get mechanics to look hand drawn because of the same issue. Just compare the ugly 3d mechs in Akito the Exiled(which use the best cel shaded mimicry in the industry) to the tv series.
I fully agree. 3DCG in anime is cancer. The only CG that ever remotely doesn't look out of place is 2DCG like the stuff in the GGO ED or stuff that has been extremely touched up by hand.
Does anyone have the gif of this pic with the tiny legs?
Looks good to me.
Second clip is a lot more egregious but I blame that more on the fight being in bright daylight compared to the first
I still don't understand why people keep claiming this shit looked good. It was a mess, the 2D scenes were nice atleast.
I don't think it shouldn't be used at all but i wish they didn't force the cancer into absolutely everything. It's like we're not allowed fully 2d shows anymore and it's really disheartening. I wouldn't care if we still got the approximately 30 fully 2d shows every season like we used to
There have been... many improvements over the years.
>Making reductive statements like this is not helpful to anyone.
It helps in shutting up random ass nobodies who never read a book in the subject they so dominate telling people who spent good part of their lives studying AND working in the industry how to do their job.
There's amazing looking 3d anime out there. There's shitty looking 2d anime out there. It's all about intent and execution. Stop being an autismo that pretends to know more about something than he actually does.