A months-long free trial to CrunchyRoll, that I forgot about, has turned into a real subscription for $8 a month

A months-long free trial to CrunchyRoll, that I forgot about, has turned into a real subscription for $8 a month.
I think I originally subbed to watch Dragonball and couldn't find it. I don't watch anime or read manga besides base-level shit during grade school and high school, and even then I had trouble finding stuff I liked.

Is there any reason I shouldn't cancel it if my interests in anime are already so low? Any hidden gems that aren't SoL moe shit or high school sporting themed?

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Fuck off and kill yourself.

Lurk for two years before posting

Can't. I'm an essential worker so people rely on me.
Unlike you, if I died it would matter.

Out of principle I don't support companies that automatically assume I want to subscribe to them after my trial period ends.

I have no desire to stay here any longer than it takes to get an answer from people who obviously know more than I do.


Yuru Yuri
Anne Happy
Ping Pong
Baby Steps

At some point your life went seriously wrong. Only losers subscribe to Crunchyroll.

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How about you.
A. Go to where this thread belongs
B. Kill yourself for being a streamnigger.

Go watch Tower of God. It's something different and actually interesting.

As you like generic shit anyways I'd recommend trying out Haikyu and JoJo's Bizarre adventure to test the waters. Tower of God is currently being released as a Crunchyroll original so i might suggest to check that out as well.

Go to /wsr/ for these type of questions

>generic korean battle shonen that tries to hide it's a battle shonen
>different and interesting

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Is there an anime like Star Trek? Something that's weird and stupid but also carries a smart message with every episode, you know.

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why would you want to get roped into something that'll make you want to extend your subscription normalfag-kun?
fuck off to Yas Forums or whatever

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>thread still not deleted
Mods must be asleep. Perfect chance to post some loli I guess.

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Extremely based. You are doing God's work.

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OP die

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>paying for crunchy when horriblesubs already rips everything

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I didn't want to pay for it. It was a free trial for like 6 months or something crazy and I forgot about it. Now, no matter what, I have at least a month of this shit.

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>Mitsudomoe will never be fully translated

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Alright no more playing around. Delete the thread or Chie gets it

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These fag mods are really lazy lately

Why the hell did you pick this site to ask your dumb question? There's reddit, facebook, twitter... other places.

How the fuck do you know you hate "moeshit" if you've never watched any, newfag?

I warned you but now it's too late

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>I was too retarded to not buy something I didn't want
>help me justify my non-decision

Discussion of American streaming services are not allowed on Yas Forums.
You are at risk for a ban.

Now look what's happened. Who's going to take responsibility for the mod's negligence?

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anything available on crunchyshit is available on nyaa
don't pay for streaming services