By the way, I'm a virgin

>by the way, I'm a virgin

Why is this always such a character trait in modern anime?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gleipnir - 03 [720p].mp4_snapshot_14.17_[2020.04.22_10.08.44].png (1280x720, 1.44M)

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Gotta keep the purityfags happy no matter how stupid and improbable it is.

Attached: スクリーンショット-2019-12-06-2.06.34.png (1106x1562, 2.47M)

That's a line of dialogue, not a character trait.

Stop watching garbage

Why do you want used goods?

40 year old crack whore with heavy surrounds and lung cancer are the patrician choice

So the audience of 12-15 year old losers can relate

beta otaku purityfags audience.

Why do you want unproven goods?

It's fiction and nobody wants used goods.

Attached: IMG_20200422_091613.jpg (1680x1120, 484K)

Literal cuckold

Art imitates life, and there are a TON of virgins in Japan nowadays.

Is this show any good? It looks really trashy.

What's the problem with virgins you fucking slut?

>always such a character trait
What does this mean?

Attached: file.png (576x622, 484.82K)

>food analogies
so it’s not just here, they’re retarded everywhere they’re used

What exactly is wrong with food analogies again? I see people complain about them all the time and I don't understand why.

you you ratter use a brand new headphone or one that had 7 dicks on it?

most of then are fucking retarded and would not work if they were not made with food.
that one is actualy pretty on point.

Attached: Argumenting 2.png (777x687, 255.89K)

It you're under 16.

>Why hasn't my gf been fucked by multiple men already?

That's kinda what I get when I read those anti-purity posts

To prove them personally.

>Boys that are virgins are pathetic loosers
>Girls that are virgins are pure maidens

>inb4 lock and key analogy

yes because used onaholes are worth quite a bit

Better question is; why are you watching this trash?

I also keep my women in the fridge and throw them out if I haven't eaten them in a week or so.

i understand that japs want all 2d girls to be pure that's alright but why do all the male protag also have to be virgins?

sounds more appealing than - by the way, I suck dicks after school for $20 bucks a pop

>why do all the male protag also have to be virgins
For realism I guess.

What's with all the normalshits and cuckolds complaining about pure girls every day now?

The more sexual partners a woman has had the more likely her marriage is to fail.

If I must play Russian roulette I prefer not to play with 5 loaded chambers.

awful writing. show don't tell

The other one could have been cleaned up.

Not always. I personally like broken goods I can hug and protect

Are you being ironic? You can show things by making a character say certain things.