Imaginary friends

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All romcom plot are 99% fantasy, confirmed by Tsurezure Children author.

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You don't need an author telling you that. Going to school is enough to get an idea. Are you unironically younger than 18?

do you think she cheated on Togashi

yeah with me

Nice twitter thread faggot

welcome to the fantasy genre, stupid fucking idiot.

so its your fault he's on hiatus

>Togashi's wife
Didn't give a fuck about her, but she should tell her husband to quit being a lazyfuck.

No shit? People who think high school in Japan is fun are very delusional.

who's Togashi

The author of Jojo and NGE

a hack

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>All romcom plot are 99% fantasy
>confirmed by one anecdote

>Going to school is enough to get an idea.
plenty of people have school romances.
I got bullied beause my cousin who went to another school dated the girl that a couple of guys in the upper grade liked

>fiction is fiction
Immersion ruined!

wow, what a loser.

Not gonna start a "muh anecdote", but in Yahari, when 8man told Yui to fuck off and stop playing nice because she thinks she owes him, I totally did the same thing back then. So the "he's totally me" meme is super cringey, because maybe we know there is a little bit of truth behind it.

I never asked for these feels.

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>About girl I wished were my friends
So that's why she tried to kill her characters so many times? And got angry that editors didn't let her when anime adaptation did that?

women are all whores

>a loser
she's so rich i bet she can buy your peasant country

She may be rich, but she is still a loser that can't buy friends.

who needs friends when you can buy slaves

Damn she'd get it back in the day.

a novelist that sometime illustrate his story


slaves don't give you happiness


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That director from Studio Ghibbly. He directed Akira, Dragon Ball Z, and the first My Hero Academia movie.

and beta tester of the Dragon Quest games

Wow that's brutal.

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very cool twitter screencap, OP!

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She's voiced my waifu

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Is "confession" really even a thing? Seems like if it was, it was a long time ago.

The creator of famous the series Berserk