ITT: Voices you can't not love

ITT: Voices you can't not love

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I can. Am I a god?

Who dis

The greatest anime voice actor

greatest seiyuu of our generation

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Nani sore?


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Don't have an autistic panel, but
Jouji Nakata
Yukari Tamura

And whoever voiced Mio in Nichijou, IIRC she doesn't have may roles (also Marie Rose in DOA), but damn I loved her voice in Nichijou.

I can't get Gintoki out of my head when I hear another of his characters so I hate him


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My absolute favorite.

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bakugo voice actor
dio voice actor

Oh hey, it's Chocoyama-kun
What a niche reference

Attached: [HT] Hidamari Sketch x 365 08 (720p,Blu-ray,AAC) [A24B0858].mkv_snapshot_17_39_[04_22_20 15_02_56].png (1280x720, 2.46M)

I think Sayaka Ohara is my favorite female seiyuu

>not including the best girl that started her career

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and sugita
yeah, it's basic taste

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Fuck, I haven't seen Hidamari Sketch yet.
I'll watch it soon.

I was fine with him until I was watching Saiki and Natsume at the same time and suddenly realized that Kamiya was doing the same damn voice. It totally ruined Natsume for me because I kept expecting him to be a dick.

That's not Saori

lose weight fatty

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I've loved her ever since I first heard her in OoT.

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and Akira

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i like this nigga

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Didn't bakugo voice actor get caught cheating on his wife? What a way to announce that you're married in the first place

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Only voice I need in my life.

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