What's Yas Forums's opinion on BNA: Brand new animal?

What's Yas Forums's opinion on BNA: Brand new animal?

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>Batch releasing

It's raccoonshit.

Who cares it's gonna get delayed anyway.

imagine being an impatient zoomer


ding ding ding ding ding!
you said the word "chad"
therefor you are, without a doubt, based.
the based has been awarded to you.

Uhh I aint a furry but man I find this show just so much fun. Makes me sad that it will only be 12 episodes instead of like 24-26. Possibly my AOTY.

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Where did you get the idea that it's only 12 episodes? Why would they release half the series that is basically just eatablishing the universe if they only have 6 more left?

ding ding ding ding ding!
you said the word "shit"
therefor you are, without a doubt, cringe.
the cringe has been awarded to you.

Not much, I already forgot I watched it
How long until the rest of the eps release?

Hot take: episode 5 was fun but felt really out of place compared to the rest of the episodes so far. If BNA ends up only being 12 episodes, I'm going to be disappointed that Trigger spent an entire episode on baseball hi-jinks with mostly throwaway characters that did little to advance the plot or develop the world.

>he doesn't like the Imaishi episode

Garbage cartoon-shit like all Trigger shows.

The Tanuki is UGLY.

It's like Zooptopia, but without a kawaii rabbit.

I liked it. I just don't want more of it if the show is limited on time.

the plot is incredibly boring i wouldve preferred a full animal baseball anime. Her different transformations helping her win was the most fun the show had to offer. Everything aside from the MC is incredibly generic and not memorable

Pretty much this

I can't get invested in the current 6 episodes out if there's only 6 left and 3 were wasted on pointless episodes and the fucking main characters have barely interacted

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yiff in hell, furniggerkikes

this. the only good furfag are the ones in bodybags.

Now you just went full faggot

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>tfw still a month away from episode 7

this show would be completely forgotten by then. Just look at how dead the threads are now.

Don't worry, by then all but 3-4 shows will have been cancelled by Corona.

To be fair that's because we had threads non stop for a week when all the 6 episodes dropped, so it was basically over a month worth of threads squeezed into a shorter time period

Attached: EVt5IRNVcAUjec1.png (900x900, 300.88K)

There's going to be nothing else to watch but this show in a month user

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When will ep7 come out?

28 days, 3 hours and 20 minutes from now.

Attached: [S1.Ep5] Brand New Animal - Greedy Bears.mp4_snapshot_15.51_[2020.03.22_23.41.11].jpg (1920x1080, 136.51K)

On the bright side we should get a long preview the week before