Jashin-chan Dropkick'

or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Snek

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cute snek

Someone post the pantyshot of legged Jashin from the manga

Jashin pleases old men from the bar

Attached: jashin old men bar.jpg (1920x1080, 194.61K)

I love when Yurine smiles!

Attached: 2020-04-22-120500_645x472_scrot.png (645x472, 359.05K)

>Someone post the pantyshot of legged Jashin from the manga
fresh for you

Attached: 2020-04-22-134725_452x567_scrot.png (452x567, 202.26K)

Why does she look like an uncut penis?

Attached: jashin hands in pocket touching.webm (1280x720, 220.81K)

He's not that old. In fact, chances are the dumb snek is way older than him.

Attached: 1587397062984.jpg (1280x720, 79.75K)

Thanks. Will we get more of legged Jashin in the anime? Or is that one episode all we're getting?

Preview of the 18+ spinoff that the author is preparing.

Attached: R7.png (844x1200, 238.35K)

Are those stages of NTR acceptance?

>dumb snek shows pantsu
holy shit

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What was the biggest twist this season, jashin-chan being her actual name or her being a rich ojou-sama? I think the ojou-sama part was kinda obvious from the way she speaks and acts.

el serpentine

there was a legged episode in season 1

Jashin-chan really likes pudding.

Attached: hell yea baby.jpg (394x56, 11.28K)

The snek always has two legs if you're drunk enough to see things doubled.

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I was talking about this season.

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well the season is already over, I am pretty sure episode 12 is going to be dealing with the god plotline in one episode

New chapter is out

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There's an episode 12 planned? Nice.


user... I...

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thats cute

Is this real?

Me too, user.

Attached: 1585535794789.jpg (825x720, 52.86K)

If you can see it it's real, right?


>Minos is an unlimited source of fresh milk, and possibly meat

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