Series Destroyed by Their End

Post the ones whose end was so bad it ruined it.

I'll start with Sun Ken-Rock.

What a way to murder a series.

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Sun ken wasn't even that bad. Fire punch becomes dogshit around the 40 mark.

I wouldn't say it became dogshit but it felt like a different story and was definitely not as good as the first half

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Soul Eater anime ending

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I haven't read Fire Punch but SKR had the shittiest end you could imagine, and all mixed up with a bunch of stupid timeskips and segways to useless characters that add nothing to the story.
It starts rotting when the reporter appears.

That's the norm. Either it goes to shit or gets axed. A good ending is rare.

Soul Eater manga was absolute kino

The end for the mango left me kind of meh, I don't even remember the end of the anime

what was the end? i dropped it after they wanted to fight white dragon

Not really, the end may not be an epic climax but that doesn't equal to it being shit.


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Don't read fire punch, I wouldn't even take 100 bucks for it. It's intentionally shit.

the prequel reconnected that ending anyway

Yumin and Ken fuck, they go to fight the white dragon clan, the bodyguard declares his love and lust for Yumin, wants to take her and lead the WDC, he fights with Ken, Ken and Yumin wins, Yumin betrays Ken and tries to murder him -up to here it's still good, it makes sense- but then, timeskips where Ken becomes ruler of the underworld globally, bullshit characters and Ken seems to seek revenge on Yumin but instead gives basically control of the world. Total BS

Aw, I saw a manga page that caught my attention and I was considering reading it.

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It's not shit or intentionally shit but the first half is VASTLY better than the 2nd

woman, not even once

It's alright, starts off good then sorta drops fast. I dropped it around chapter 17 for like 2 weeks cause I couldn't be arsed to read it.

meme's aside, the worst part it's that it was well written and it made sense, because of things that are explained and hinted since chapter 1, and the end was going to be about what I said up, but around the time it was coming to an end there was a terrorist attack and Boichi read a letter one of the survivos or a relative of one wrote and decided to change the end.

It's so obvious he changed it on a whim that it hurts and it doesn't fit the story at all. Boichi should have stick with his original idea.
It would have been godly.

I mean Boichi even said at some point something along the lines of feeling guilty or selfish for writing/drawing something he enjoyed. like, dude, chill. you can do it. its not selfish.

Alright, I will try it

Negima. I will never stop being mad.

Today i will remind them

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that's a interesting end
so, all this "hurr durr bad ending" was an exagerate meme?
sasuga Yas Forums

The plot of Sun-Ken Rock was never good. It's just like The Breaker where the only reason to read it is to look at the art.

Oh shit....

>the breaker new wave

God, this was so bad.

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Reconnected? Do you mean retconned?

This was atrocious.

how it end

is this the zombie one? how does it end?

Take those three panels, randomise the theme and and then do that for the next 80 chapters. That's Fire punch.

bruh, it just didn't

The zombies aren't zombies but a terraforming thing done by aliens
all the zombies fuse into one giant zombie, the schoolgirl controls the zombies and fuses with the giant zombie. They save the MC from certain death
All the side characters from the 2ch sidestory go on a helicopter and escape and live a happy island life and repopulate humanity

The main character is alone in the ruins of Tokyo forever