"user is here? How do you know Emiya, user?"

>"user is here? How do you know Emiya, user?"

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I like swords and cooking.

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Based heterosexual Rin.

Shirou and I sleep in the shed together after a long night of tending to pipes

Based bisexual Rin

I know Emiya ever since I watched him fail a high bar jump over and over again, back when he was still in grade school.

He's my lover.

I'm the shed

He is too good for you.

Bisexual Icons.

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I watched him do the high jump.

Run used to be bi-sexual, but all the times she fucked old men for money have turned her into a dyke

Saber is straight though

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"Well yeah Emiya is with your superior sister"

Briton propaganda. She fucks wenches and makes men bitches.

Camelot wouldn't have fallen if she'd just fucked Guinevere

She intended too, she just fucked maids and her half-sister first. The one of her knights beat her to it.

He is my platonic boyfriend.

>"user is here? How do you know Emiya, user?"
I watched him do a high jump attempt a lot of times.
It gave me my first broner.

He blew off his fuckin' arm again, how many times does that happen in a month?

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I don’t know, I’m just delivering a package. Do you happen to know a Ms. Rin Continence? It’s for her.

>Shirou and I are fellow travelers on the road to justice.

>How do you know Emiya, user?
He is the bone of my sword.

We have a special relationship.

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He is my battle brother. We both fight for the glory of the emperor

Rin is straight. Yurishitters out.

Rin has always been straight.

I'm here to borrow some mana.

I follow his cooking vlog and got to know him at comiket

how does the fact that Rin, of her own volition btw, fingerfucked saber make nerds dance so hard. How is that even a bad thing. Imagine a threeway with Rin and Seibah

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I come from another reality where your lives are a work of fiction intended to milk many millions of yen from teenagers and sad adults, I am among them.