5toubun is second on the Oricon charts this week, losing only to Kimetsu

5toubun is second on the Oricon charts this week, losing only to Kimetsu
Remember to thank Yotsubest for saving the manga.

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no thanks

congrats. I hope someday we'll have a mangaka who truly loves his series and will elevate and set the bar for future romcoms to a better height than Negi "did"

Yotsubest's manga is so succesful, how does she do it?

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Flopbros... we got too COCKy...

How is it still so high in sales when the manga is over???

Because Kodansha is literally censoring all negative reviews, no one knows how many one two or three star reviews have been purged from amazon.

Remember to castrate yourself.

B-but you told me nips HATED the ending...
All those anti-5toubun threads...

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The final volume came out like a week ago

lol, this is what fillerfags have been reduced to. Just take the L and admit that Yotsubest's manga is good. Or don't, your opinion is obviously irrelevant either way LMAO

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This is a cumultative list. Includes everything. Happened the same fucking way with vol. 13, where Oricon displayed 322k for toubun in 3 days. Turned out that vol 13. was 239k among those numbers. Yotsushitter should fuck off for good.

But bros....the mangapoke reviews....how the FUCK is this happening to us

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1235fags surely contributed to the sales as well. I'm grateful.

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Volume 14 came out 5 days ago and stores have been closed in Japan due to the rona
Amazing how Yotsuba's manga sells hundreds of thousands of copies despite that

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You got a source on that?

I thought you copefags told me it would flop, what happened? :^)

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Sunday is the cutoff point, retard. 17th was the official release day of the volume. This cumultative sales are between 13-19, including everything from backlog to special editions.

>Believing the best selling harem in decades would flop because their waifu didn't win

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i love yotsuba!

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>blatantly lying
Kill yourself, 4fag

I literally cannot imagine being a filler nigger

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Why are 4gays continue forcing the idea someone liked Yotsuba ending? If Miku or Nino won the sales would be 3x bigger. Even Itsuki would be a more accepted victory. This manga always was selling like hotcakes and Yotsuba was one of the weaker contributors to it.
Negi himself regretted making Yotsuba win so he cucked her and her pathetic fans out of everything any winner should get in romcom manga. No kisses, no intimate moments, no future.

Naw just check the thread faggot. >345k

>some semi rich retard bought 300,000 to make toubun shit look successful

Holy shit lmao

lmao cope harder
I'm having a great time

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Wow Toubunfags are pathetic!

No one said that. Even the most skeptical ones said that at most it will be a 100-200k decrease, but it's nothing from 600k. Since it didn't follow the gradual rejections route, haters may as well collect the whole thing, it's just 1 extra volume, they may as well see the ending. Nisekoi's fall started somewhere vol 18-19, so there was another 6-7 volumes ahead, where the decline became massive at the end.

It's still not for solely vol. 14.

This isn't your blog faggot go back to redit.

>Yotsuba won
>immediately coronavirus
Negi is the one who brought us into this shitty timeline.

>No one said that
lmao no
Tons of people said that, and they weren't being ironic before you try to weasel out with that one

You’re delusional if you didn’t expect Yotsuba to win after finding out that she’s Rena

>4fags think 345k is successful

Feels good to be a Yotsuchad

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what did 13 sell?

Learn to write.

Learn to distinguish obvious shitpost claiming the sales will drop massively or genuine objective criticism that even if there is drop, it won't be significant.