Is he a "literally me" character? Also Tomozaki thread

Is he a "literally me" character? Also Tomozaki thread

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is volume 3 translation out yet?

A literally me character has him get everything, keeping his nihilism and making a "chad" jealous. I don't think Tomozaki is that kind of guy.


Hinami is the only decent character in this shit. MC is a lamer 8man, everyone else is either an asshole for no reason or waifu bait.

She's used goods

Attached: Hinami.png (314x70, 4.4K)

was it just me or was the main heroine at her hottest when she wore that hoodie at the start?

That's why I didn't include her in the waifu bait category. She is a mentor, and a good one at that.


Umnnn...... Pass

No, the real used good is Rena. Really, Hinami's past is nothing compared to her. Hinami still keep herself pure, meanwhile Rena is just the opposite.

Also, Hinami's past is kinda sad. Although it's not 100% revealed what exactly happens, reading her chapter in volume 8.5 gives some hints about it.

Who is he going out with? Kikuchi?

Yes, Kikuchi.

Why is the story still ongoing if he has a girlfriend? Because Hinami is endgame?

>Hinami is the only decent character in this shit.
She's still a piece of shit.

>She is a mentor, and a good one at that.
Are you stupid?

What's her fucking excuse?

This guy fucked the heroine?

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He was rejected even before getting a kiss. Also he has never mentioned again and irrelevant to the story.

Her big Sis died

No. She gives good advice from what I've seen.


Weak at what? Are you suggesting he should've raped her right then and there when she refused to kiss?

What's the point of the heroine having an ex if she isn't used goods?

Mimimi is endgame
Hinami is the final boss/antagonist

Mimimi for the win, that's all.

Did the big sis like Atafami (not-Smash Bros) or something? Does it explain why she had to challenge No Name (MC) knowing most likely who he was only to shit on him for not being a normalfag?

Which one was Mimimi again? The first girl Tomozaki befriended?

Is the main girl another surly standoffish cunt?

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No, she's more like the sensei from Oregairu. But not a cake.

Mimimi looks like she's a lesbian though

Tomozaki heroine is one of the biggest cunts. Bitch can't mind her own business.

Please don't compare Sensei with this trash.

Why the hateboner for Hinami? What the fuck does she do?

Bullies the mc for being a loser

Well he is
And she doesn't bully him, it's tough love to help him grow