How many children will Wise and Masato have?

How many children will Wise and Masato have?

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how can people enjoy this? it's easily one of the most boring isekai that I've ever seen

i enjoy mommy's milkies so i enjoy the show. don't think too much user.

None, he's for Mamako only.

I've never know anyone who actually likes this shit, only people who fap to Mamako

True and all the incest suggestions are cringy af.

It's a guilty pleasure. The only thing that carries the show is Mamako's character design.

If you look at this and feel your eyes drawn to Wise first then you're closet gay.

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Mamako is a Mary Sue, but in a fun way
It's stupidly hilarious how she has a special mother superpower for literally anything

As many as plop out of her wisecrack

guilty pleasures don't exist, you either like something or you don't, who cares if some autists on the internet like me disagrees with you

I just watched this today and I have to agree. My standards are pretty low but that is 5 hours of my life I'm not getting back.

>imagine raising your son to be a fit, healthy, kind, upstanding young man just to hand him over to some teen harlot that gets to enjoy him after all your hard work.

is there a hobbit pipe replacement for cucked moms?


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That's why we need to bring back arranged marriages, at least that way you'll ensure your kid marries someone worthy

Obviously, the only selling point is the mummycom incestuous subtext and there is nothing other that doe that.

Mamako is literally the only reason people even mention this show. I regret watching it desu I hate aall the blue balling its not like hes gonna fuck her

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Why is Mamako so damn sexy? It's not fucking fair.


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Only the momcest blueballing makes it worth it.

I want to fuck Mamako.

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Didn't the mother and son kiss? That's the extent of how far they'll go?

None. Wise a shit.

She's married and has a child user

You dont kiss your mom?

I was asking if that's how far they'll go

I miss it bros