Where is the mentally ill representation in anime anymore...

Where is the mentally ill representation in anime anymore? Tomoko is happy and has no social anxiety and Welcome to the NHK was ages ago.Those two shows really helped me and a lot of people to feel understood. Where are the loners and the depressed in anime/manga? Will there ever be more that represent what it's actually like to live with these afflictions?

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Read Strongest Man Kurosawa if you want true lonerkino

All the good stuff is in manga.
Asuperu Kanojo is maximum realistic suffering.

First post best post. All FKMT manga are required reading.

Oh this is the guy who made Kaiji isn't it.
I loved Kaiji

Maybe you should solve your problem like Tomoko did.

Visual Novels are also very much worth getting into if you're looking for this kind of content. These kinds of characters, themes, and stories feature very prominently in that medium compared to anime. Due to the very direct first person perspective you're much more connected to the main character's mind than most anime or manga.

This isn't about that
it's about having art that expresses the collective experience of mental illness you dunce.
I don't mean to blog but my SA is pretty much gone at least like 90 percent it used to be.

Bocchi was just last year.

That lesbian confessional manga is the most recent thing I can think of.

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>straight white male can't relate to anime anymore

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Anybody got more Taxi Driver/Tomoko?

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Just watch shonen if you want to see sociopathy and retardation.

I don't get it.

Trigger's anime are autistic anime made for autist to autist

Abe doesn't want any of these, they want you to be productive and reproduce.

When Neeko's manga gets an anime adaptation.

And she got friends 5 minutes in. There is nothing wrong with her at all.

All anime characters, barring a few, deal with mental illnesses and delusions.

i tried writing a western styled manga and halfway through like real life it all just went nowhere, realism isnt good story telling

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I liked Aspe-chan.

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>start watching Hyouka
>oh alright, a loner, a "energy saver", that0s intere-
>it's a genius, it's popular, everyone loves him
Is there any series about a loser/loner that in reality is a loser/loner? Why is it always "Oh I'm such a loser/loner, but in reality I'm so special!"?

They actually went through with it, the absolute madlads.

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Yuri a lot more introverted that Tomoko

typically loner outcasts don't have money to buy shit so business don't support projects which pander to them. grow up you pathetic bitch

FPBP I've just finished reading this. It's great. Go ants.

You won't find them in anime. Anime is meant to be escapist, not realistic. Read manga instead.

Even if Yuri-chan falls for some reason, I feel like
I'm going to follow that

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