Top 50 anime of the decade

You guys told me reddit has shit taste, but it’s actually much better than the shit that gets pushed here.

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The user who posted this earlier got banned.

They do have shit taste indeed.

Holy shit

>Shit la Shit
>Muh mute girl forced drama
>Shin Sekai
Their taste is equally horrid to neo-Yas Forums.

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how good is shin sekai yori? and what about that rakugo series?

From looking at this carefully, Yas Forums literally has the exact same taste more or less than reddit. Why do you guys shit on reddit when your taste is the exact same????

half of these are dogshit

I know this is bait but
Is good is wrong. There are good anime in the list but a broken clock can be right at times

>listing VEG but not Yorimoi
Kill yourself.

Stop trying to be a mod and enforce rules. You’re not one and will never be one.
I just wanted some opinions on what people thought of the list. It was pretty surprisingly good.
Hopefully if anyone missed these gems they’ll now make some time to consume them.

Thank god anime has more to offer than whatever the fuck that list is.

VEG is significantly worse kek

you fags can cry shit taste all you want but it wouldn't probably look that different if this board had made one

Yorimoi is one of the few competent anime on their list. The fact wont change no matter how many autistic timeflop threads you make.

Naturally the new anime fo decade
Tower of God

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i am actually impressed with how bad this is, yet a few good shows like chihayafuru made it

holy based

theres only like 5 shows on that list that are worth watching

Do VEGfags even know how to read?

Sadly Chihayafuru got popular the wrong way, there was a whole drama on MAL recently, kinda like with Brothel Reviewers.

Kill yourselves, Crunchyroll shills.
>bad animation
>extremely unattractive character designs
>3DPD-tier character personalities
>infinite amounts of forced drama
>mood whiplashes
>unfunny comedy
>bad direction that pretends to be good but fails
>NGNL poster placement (we also made this show, you guys; please buy this anime)
>appalling sound design
>miraculously working laptop
>not even enjoyable to watch
>insert songs
>the "haircut" trope to mask Jukki Hackada's inability to write
>leaving the money in Antarctica because "sentimental value"
Yorimoi is a melodrama overrated by e-celebs. Its attempts at serious storytelling and directing come off as forced. It fails to narrate Shirase's growth properly, relying on the classic "haircut" trope taken straight from Nisio Isin, because the writer (Jukki Hanada) had to find a way to develop a character despite his lack of talent. I feel that series is an insult to the industry, as it's a completely manufactured product, akin to Bollywood movies. It's full of mood whiplashes and it fails to maintain a tone for more than 5 minutes. I despise that series.

Violet Evergarden has the following:
>superior animation
>superior sound design
>superior OST
>superior character acting
>superior direction
>superior protagonist development and subversion
>superior supporting cast
>superior pretenses
>superior messages
>superior setting
>superior narrative
>superior catharsis

Kill yourself if you unironically think Yorimoi is better than VEG. This world has no place for subhumans like you.

>Bunny Senpai
>one of the best of the decade
why do redditors love budget Monogatari so much

what happened

>so much 2018-2019 seasonal shit
do r*edditors even have memories? or do they just go from product to product?

All of the shows in this chart are loved by normalfags/newfags except with Girls Last Tour, wonder why it got up there.

Non contrarian opinion of what belongs on the list:

Your name
March come sin like a lion
Soramori (maybe)
Showa Genroku
Lustrous (more so the manga)
Silence voice

Other series are either mediocre, bad, or have shitty anime.

itt all of the various seething contrarians pulled into one place like a magnet

lol didn't read, seethe more faggot

Why do you choose to behave like a mentally ill person?

comfy post-apoc potatos appeal to depressed zoomers

What a terrible list,why lump the movies and regular series togheter?

I'm not sure since I don't really follow the drama but people were accusing Vinlandfags of downvoting the series on MAL and vice versa or something like that so you can say that it rided Vinland Saga popularity.