Why did he make Shinji into a faggot?

Why did he make Shinji into a faggot?

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shinji was literally him

To help you identify with him.

author insert

Does that mean Gendo is this man?

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no that's Kaworu


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Shinji isn't one long as having attraction to 3 girls.

Why does he keep milking his "masterpiece" when he hates otakus and anime in general?

Shinji isn't a fag.
He literally has sex with a biological female on screen.

He's just desperate and starved for attention

Because Shinji was himself, Kaworu was Ikuhara, and the entire gay confession he was trying to make fell through when he couldn't get Ikuhara to direct Eva.

>Why does he keep milking his "masterpiece"
ez money
>he hates otakus and anime in general
he doesn't

if he was truly based he'd spill his gut and write his suicide note as a hate letter to all his fans

just cuz

Kaworu was idealized Shinji's self. A shadow of what he can't have. Also Kaworu is described as extremely feminine and only pubescent boys can look as good so if anything Shinji would be a shotafag

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He fucked girl ass but still only wanted Kaworu.

Because it is a decent portrayal of a kid with avoidant personality disorder which is prevalent in an Asian society.

shinji was always a faggot
notice he wasn't bothered by being hit on by an older man, he was just concerned that he was such a fag that he might have been mistaken for a girl

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There were two wolves inside Shinji. One was dragging the other out of the closet.

>he doesn't
How about the whole Rei debacle?

he's a hack

What about her? You could say it was a "bait and switch" with giving otaku and anime fans what they want but if that was the case it sure as Hell didn't work, at least not with Japan anyways. She's pretty much the cover-girl of Eva over there.

So that (You) could better relate to him

He made virtually all of his characters into faggots
Shinji, Asuka and Misato all have the same problem, they're constantly seeking for validation from others
Anno was depressive when he made Eva and it shows because it displays an extremely pessimistic take on the human nature, basically showing everyone as attention whores

Deconstruction of the red blooded bitch slapping sideburns bearing mech hero.

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Reckon that was deconstructed 40 years ago

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Absolute kek


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You mean you don't know?

it all makes sense

did dey fug?