Aipare, Prichan, Mewkledreamy etc

Do you miss this doggo yet?

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aipare sucks

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Megaman Maverick Hunter X2 beginses.

i love her. post more art of her pls, and thank u

She's in my bed right now.

Me too, dude.

I miss my wife.

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>Shooting Star mystery idol
>show screams at you that it's Rei so hard you couldn't possibly miss it
Come on, man, you knew how to do mystery idols in OG, what happened?

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Time to masturbate to little girls.

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remember to if an idol isnt kyoot and adorbs and sparklin, whats the point? whats the point?
fugly idols are doomed to fail!!! fuuuuuuglyyy!!

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Yeah, I loved her brainless adventures through the multiverse. Feels weird to see her as just a normal supporting character in Noelkatsu.

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Happy birthday Nijinosaki-san!

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OG had no mistery Idols.

Did they ever release Aikatsu Stars songs?

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I miss my wife

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Do Alec or Taiga have access to a Prism Live and Seventh Coord?

ewwwww fugly maximum

She looks old enough to be your mom.

That's why Ajimi failed


What a cute wife.

At least one version of all of them except We Wish You a Merry Christmas are on the two Stars Best albums.

she's a cat.

She was more on your face than Rei.

her denpa song saved her but she is kinda fuggo

I wish she was on my face.

penis music song*

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So is Mewkledreamy really related to Aikatsu? I'm on a search of new things to watch this season but not really want to pick up sequels/spin-offs, this seemed cute.

Not really. I mean sure, it was easy enough to figure out, but Rei just couldn't be more blatant if they had her turn to the camera and say, "I was the Shooting Star."

Found, thank you!

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i know penis very well and it isnt

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Mewkledreamy is a brand new property, so it should be just what you're looking for and won't lead to a mandatory rabbithole of other shows.

Not, it's >hetshit, avoid it at all cost.

Want to talk more about penises? What do you like most about penis?

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