Post em.
ITT: Good girls stuck in shit shows
Wrong pic OP.
Don't fret, I gotcha.
Pic unrelated lol, tho it's only partially her fault. Tales series plots just suck chodes
stuck in shit games too
Its kind of a cruel joke that Zestiria got a full adaptation while Berseria was ignored.
Though the character designs in general are pretty good in this show.
This. Not only is she stuck in that shitshow, but she barely gets any screentime on top of that. Unfair treatment of best girl.
She was a based character in a stupid outfit. But the name, dear lord. The author should be shot for naming his characters like that.
I liked her but Rose had a much cooler basis for her character.
Put her in any show where "KILLING BAD" isn't shoved down the viewers throat and there would be no issues with her.
Berseria doesn't need any adaptation to fix its mistake.
>umu memeshit
>good girl
Were the novels ever finished? Last I recall her relationship with Mr. strongest man in the world was completely dead.
Just give her a spinoff show.
cope /fgog/tard
I love how all of her art draws her off model. She's a plank otherwise. Worst girl.
Don't usually watch a show for a specific character but I did for this one.
Absolutely butchered potential.
Was stuck in a shit show but she got out.
huh no-ones posted her yet