ITT: Good girls stuck in shit shows

Post em.

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Wrong pic OP.
Don't fret, I gotcha.

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Pic unrelated lol, tho it's only partially her fault. Tales series plots just suck chodes

stuck in shit games too

Its kind of a cruel joke that Zestiria got a full adaptation while Berseria was ignored.

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Though the character designs in general are pretty good in this show.

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This. Not only is she stuck in that shitshow, but she barely gets any screentime on top of that. Unfair treatment of best girl.

She was a based character in a stupid outfit. But the name, dear lord. The author should be shot for naming his characters like that.

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I liked her but Rose had a much cooler basis for her character.
Put her in any show where "KILLING BAD" isn't shoved down the viewers throat and there would be no issues with her.

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Berseria doesn't need any adaptation to fix its mistake.

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>umu memeshit
>good girl

Were the novels ever finished? Last I recall her relationship with Mr. strongest man in the world was completely dead.

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Just give her a spinoff show.

cope /fgog/tard

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I love how all of her art draws her off model. She's a plank otherwise. Worst girl.

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Don't usually watch a show for a specific character but I did for this one.

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Absolutely butchered potential.

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Was stuck in a shit show but she got out.

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huh no-ones posted her yet

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