Why do people love Pokémon Nessa?


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I like her girlfriend.

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She is straight

What the fuck is twilight wings

An official miniseries that focuses on the characters of the new games.


she's cute
Back to your board Yas Forumstard

This miniseries tops anything they made on the franchise so far, even the latest game story...

until she gets wet

Or dry

Like spaghetti.

Like my thing between my legs


anyone else think this is fucking disgusting?

(insofar as anime is concerned.)

>This miniseries tops anything they made on the franchise so far,
Generations was better. This shit is fucking boring. Literally nobody watches pokemon to see the humans doing shit besides coomers
>even the latest game story
That's not an accomplishment

I love tan lines, she's cute and the fact that she's actually white gives me the satisfaction of cucking nogs and representationfags off a rare good official dark skin design

Forgot pic

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> actually white?


Silly user, some people watch this without masturbating you know?

>a rare good official dark skin design
What are you talking about user? Dark skin girl designs by the Japs almost always are 10/10. Rarely do you see one that isn't amazing

Nintendo or GF gave her tan lines on her hands in official artwork. Some other brown skin pokemon character too. There was a whole shitstorm about it on gay sites. Anyway I just love how we can have brown design without actually having niggers. And we even get sexy tanlines as a bonus.

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Nah a lot of times they look like popo or killer B. They're not usually good unless they're gyarus or that tan pervert that fucks gyarus

>killer B
>dark skin girls

>that animation

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Oh you meant just the girls. Then that cloud village bitch and that hxh bitch aren't good either. I don't remember any other.

This for this

>take a shit girl
>make her brown
>Yas Forums loves it

Explain this.

Only white people with shit taste think this.

Generations was okay but most of it was just animating the plots of the evil teams from each game. I prefer wholly original stuff like this.

>Only white people
Who else matters?


just like spaghetti

Thats clearly just the lighting, look at the right side of her face

>actually white


Anime characters are not white

>strong trainer
>a model
>voiced by Sora Amamiya
Why would you not like her?

You can tan that dark without dying of heat

Like one punch man dark shine?

>bla bla bla niggers bad etc etc
I swear you faggots are as annoting as SJWs with your identity politics shit


As far as nature (natural selection) is concerned, browns matter more.

This thread is gonna degenerate into Yas Forumsfaggotry. Faggots are gonna run around screaming about "lul muh Yas Forumsboggeyman" and "stop blaming people who hate blacks for everything that offends you cuck" and assorted bullshit

But let it be known that *LITERALLY* no one was talking about race until and started complaining and >implying about Nessa's skin tone and possible ethnicity. So this time there is categorical proof that they people who will later in this thread try to deny they started the shitposting did in fact start the shitposting.

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