Character is a hafu

>character is a hafu
>dad is Japanese

When will this propaganda end?

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And they never, ever have sons only daughters.

AMWF daughterinos are hot tho,

Just look at Shannon Lee at her prime

That's because hapa girls are cute and hapa men are an abomination

Attached: JotaroProfile.png (340x529, 327.3K)

Big Asian Cock

They could be cute in animoo though. But they're never even given a chance.

at least the dad is white


Attached: lhyffpos.png (1920x1080, 2.92M)

Kodaka exists

Chitoge and Eriri's dads were foreigners.

>person makes a thread acting annoyed because a fictional character mentioned in passing that their dad was white
When will this end?



Because Anime is written for Japanese men and knowing that BWC is the producer of most hapas in Japan would force them to acknowledge that 10-20% of kids born in Japan have partial or full foreign ancestry due to native Japanese men being autistic weirdos who retreat to their apartments to watch anime instead of impregnating Japanese women, similar to Korea (though not as extreme).

Basically white

Last year, they did the opposite in Precure with the dad being Mexican and the mom Japanese. Not shown, is their eldest daughter Elena.

Attached: elenas-family.jpg (1920x1080, 286.92K)

>not a manlet
>not fat
>blond hair

Her dad looks like a walking Mexican stereotype with that mustache and guitar

but where are the poncho and sombrero

Wait if it the mom that was Japanese, you don't get a Japanese citizenship?

Why are all anime hapas blonde blue eyed aryans when those traits are recessive and irl hapas look predominantly asian?

Because the entire reason they make the character half white is for those traits.

>>character is a hafu
>>dad is Japanese
not anymore

Attached: original.gif (540x254, 978.97K)

Why not make them a Scandinavian or some other ethnic group that would specifically have those traits, at that point.

Friendly reminder

She was half?

God she was a fucking cutie even though that show was kind of w/e.

Watch more anime

Lel, that was funny. I forgot that Olivia was hafu actually. Thought she was just a smelly white girl

>black hair
she's half italian?

Their parents are white you mongoloids, the kids were just BORN in Japan.

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>wanting Elliot Rodgers in your anime

Hapa done correctly.

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"I think they need to be more independent" as an 8/10 jap walks by in a business suit.
damn that cracked me up.